Alys Russell

Standard Name: Russell, Alys


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Ottoline Morrell
LOM 's relationship with Russell was lifelong: they had first met as children. It was an intellectual as well as romantic liaison: the two often discussed spiritual faith and scepticism; Russell tutored Morrell in philosophy...
Family and Intimate relationships Dora Russell
By mid-1920 she and Russell were involved in a committed love relationship, though they had no plans for marriage (and he was still married to his first wife, Alys ).
Friends, Associates Julia Strachey
Shortly after the wedding, Julia became the charge of Alys Russell , a suffrage and temperance activist who was also the aunt of Ray (Costelloe) Strachey , sister of writer Logan Pearsall Smith and Mary Berenson
Literary responses Ray Strachey
Bertrand Russell and his wife Alys Russell , RS 's aunt, disapproved of the book and were worried that Ray's Cambridge friends would be dreadfully shocked.
Strachey, Barbara. Remarkable Relations: The Story of the Pearsall Smith Women. Universe Books.
However, the book was not censured by...
Wealth and Poverty Julia Strachey
JS 's semi-independent living was funded at this time by Alys Russell , whom she called Aunty Loo: Russell provided Strachey with an allowance of three pounds a week, and an additional twenty-five pounds...


1928: Members of the British Federation of University...

Building item


Members of the British Federation of University Women (later known as the British Federation of Women Graduates ) established the Sybil Campbell Libraryfor the study of the expansion of the role of women in recent generations.


No bibliographical results available.