Gillian Avery

Standard Name: Avery, Gillian


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Annie Keary
From about 1851 AK went to live with one of her brothers, to look after his three children, two boys and a girl, after the death of his wife (presumably in childbirth, since the youngest...
Intertextuality and Influence Annie Keary
Gillian Avery suggests that Flora Shaw 's Castle Blair, 1878, whose plot of English children on a family Irish estate taking the part of the tenants in dangerous disputes must derive from AK ...
Intertextuality and Influence Flora Shaw
Critic Gillian Avery suggests that Castle Blair (in which English children side with the tenants of their uncle's Irish estate against his oppressive bailiff, who is then nearly killed) was significantly influenced by Annie Keary
Literary responses Annie Keary
Twentieth-century children's writer Gillian Avery found AK 's name in Charlotte Yonge 's little book What Books to Lend and What to Give, 1887, which mentions four of her works as suitable for prizes...
Literary responses Margaret Roberts
Gillian Avery admires this book (which she finds both moving and exciting) for its even-handed rendering of the issues of the Revolution. MR , she says, never for a moment claims, as did most of...
Literary responses Margaret Roberts
Mary J. Y. Harris in 1930 pronounced MR the most brilliant of the group of women writers who lived at Torquy in Devon during the 1860s and later.
Harris, Mary J. Y. Memoirs of Frances Mary Peard. W. H. Smith, 1930.
More recently Gillian Avery has found...
Publishing Jane Johnson
The manuscript also contains fair copies of ten poems and a prayer.
qtd. in
C., M. “Notable Accessions. Western MSS”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 2, Oct. 1997, pp. 165-8.
John Newbery published a similar tale, A Little Pretty Pocket-Book, in 1744. JJ 's work did not reach actual print (as...
Publishing Annie Keary
It was delayed in the printing: AK had been disappointed in her hopes of sending a copy to a girl, now in a reformatory, whom she had known as a servant.
Keary, Annie. Letters of Annie Keary. Editor Keary, Eliza, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1883.
It was reprinted...
Publishing Margaret Roberts
This was re-issued (as by the author of Atelier du Lys) by the Church of England publishing house, the National Society's Depository , in 1890. Gollancz put out a new edition in 1967 with...
Publishing Margaret Roberts
Gollancz put out a new edition in 1969 with an introduction by Gillian Avery .
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Textual Features Margaret Roberts
This story is set around the village of Leyrac in Bordeaux, France. The French Revolution casts its shadow almost from the first page. Gillian Avery thinks that the chateau where Stéphanie lives for some...
Textual Production Penelope Lively
PL 's Victorian children's story Fanny's Sister was contextualized by British Book News as resembling Mary Martha Sherwoodwithout the moralizing and approaching the larger-scale tales of Gillian Avery .
British Book News. British Council.
(1977): 762
Textual Production Margaret Roberts
MR issued, anonymously, at both London and New York, the earliest book identified as hers: Summerleigh Manor; or, Brothers and Sisters, designed, as her preface mentions, for young readers.
The identification is Gillian Avery 's.
Avery, Gillian, and Margaret Roberts. “Introduction”. Banning and Blessing, Gollancz, 1967, pp. 7-8.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,


No timeline events available.


Johnson, Jane, and Gillian Avery. A Very Pretty Story. Bodleian Library, 2001.
Roberts, Margaret, and Gillian Avery. Banning and Blessing. Gollancz, 1967.
Keary, Annie. Father Phim. Editor Avery, Gillian, Faith Press, 1962.
Keary, Annie. “Introduction”. Father Phim, edited by Gillian Avery, Faith Press, 1962, pp. 7-20.
Avery, Gillian, and Margaret Roberts. “Introduction”. Banning and Blessing, Gollancz, 1967, pp. 7-8.
Avery, Gillian, and Margaret Roberts. “Introduction”. Stéphanie’s Children, Gollancz, 1969, pp. 7-8.
Avery, Gillian. Nineteenth Century Children. Hodder and Stoughton, 1965.
Avery, Gillian et al. “Selected Bibliography: Sarah Trimmer”. Fabulous Histories; and, The Dairyman’s Daughter, edited by Justin G. Schiller et al., Garland Publishing, 1977, p. xiv - xvi.
Hurst, Clive. “Selections from the Accession Diaries of Peter Opie”. Children and Their Books, A Celebratiuon of the Work of Iona and Peter Opie, edited by Gillian Avery and Julia Briggs, Clarendon, 1989, pp. 19-44.
Zipes, Jack. “The Origins of the Fairy Tale for Children or, How Script was Used To Tame the Beast in Us”. Children and Their Books: A Celebration of the Work of Iona and Peter Opie, edited by Gillian Avery and Julia Briggs, Clarendon Press, 1989, pp. 119-34.