Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan

Standard Name: Morgan, Sydney Owenson,,, Lady
Birth Name: Sydney Owenson
Titled: Lady Sydney Owenson
Married Name: Lady Sydney Morgan
Pseudonym: S. O.
Nickname: Glorvina
Nickname: The Wild Irish Girl
In her capacities as poet, novelist, and travel writer with a sharp eye for culture and politics, SOLM spoke for the early movement of Irish nationalism. She also wrote plays and verse. Her reputation, once dragged down by her politics, is now rising.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Literary responses Lady Caroline Lamb
From the date of Byron's death, LCL lived with a constant succession of revelations in celebrity memoirs, which often contained something hurtful to herself. Thomas Medwin , whom she respected as a truth-teller, printed an...
Literary responses Emily Lawless
The Literary World vividly likened experiencing this novel to reading the life of a past century by lightning flashes, and the half-blinded reader reads on and on and cannot stop or look away short of...
Literary responses Anne Katharine Elwood
The reviews for Elwood's second publication were more positive than for her first: John Bull declared that each biography was marked by good taste and excellent judgement.
Allibone, S. Austin, editor. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors Living and Deceased. Gale Research.
In reviewing Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of...
Literary responses Charlotte Grace O'Brien
The Athenæum called Light and Shade a modest and pathetic book.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
2662 (1878): 559
It praised the author for her moderation in pleading for justice for Ireland without succumbing to the unreasoning bitterness it discerned...
Literary responses Anna Maria Hall
The second series was also well received. The Weekly Dispatch review of the same work reported that AMH did ample justice to the warmth of feeling, wit and humour of her countrymen, yet she does...
Literary responses Georgiana Chatterton
The book had the honour of being reviewed for the Athenæum by Sydney Morgan .
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.
Morgan, anonymous like all Athenæum reviewers, seems at first to be distancing herself from the author in terms of gender...
Literary responses Adelaide O'Keeffe
Sydney Morgan (who had been busy with AOK 's affairs this month) wrote, Poor Miss O'Keefe! her fathers book has just come in; what feebleness, but what amiable feeling! She quotes my account of him.
Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan,. Lady Morgan’s Memoirs. Editors Dixon, William Hepworth and Geraldine Jewsbury, W. H. Allen.
2: 382
Literary responses Rosina Bulwer Lytton, Baroness Lytton
Her husband, Edward Bulwer (later Bulwer Lytton) , was embarrassed by Cheveley, seeing himself in the portrait of Lord De Clifford and his predilection for governesses,
Sutherland, John. The Stanford Companion to Victorian Fiction. Stanford University Press.
and tried to block the novel's production...
Literary responses Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
Though these works were less generally admired in England than her pedagogical ones, SFG continued to command leading reviews in English periodicals throughout her life.
Dow, Gillian. “Genuine ’Genuine Anecdotes’: an émigré novel in 1790s Britain”. British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS) 35th Annual Conference, Oxford.
Her Mademoiselle de Clermont, 1802, was particularly highly regarded...
Literary responses Alicia Tyndal Palmer
William Gifford panned this novel in the Quarterly. He ridiculed ATP 's grasp of history and geography, and her overestimate of the cultural influence of English governesses. He presents the novel as a tedious...
Literary responses Frances Trollope
Response to Michael Armstrong was strong, both among readers who accepted FT 's representation of child labour and among those who rejected her descriptions as too explicit. Among the series of Factory Acts passed this...
Literary responses Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
SFG 's importance to the influential Mary Wollstonecraft can be gauged from the way that Wollstonecraft used and built on her writings, recommended them, measured others by their standard, and also did not hesitate to...
Literary responses Mary Martin
In his review in the Athenæum, H. F. Chorley detected the strong influence of Lady Morgan on the characters and action of this novel.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
1184 (1850): 707
He commented also on the novel's use...
Literary responses Hester Lynch Piozzi
The very young Laetitia-Matilda Hawkins came unexpectedly on the letter of rebuke to Johnson while helping her father with his biographical work: she admired the letter enough to record her admiration years later, though she...
Literary responses Jane West
Unlike JW 's two previous works, this one was reviewed in the Quarterly Magazine and elsewhere.
Garside, Peter et al., editors. The English Novel 1770-1829. Oxford University Press.
2: 373
David Thame believes that this and West's next novel represent a substantial change of register from gossiping...


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