Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan

Standard Name: Morgan, Sydney Owenson,,, Lady
Birth Name: Sydney Owenson
Titled: Lady Sydney Owenson
Married Name: Lady Sydney Morgan
Pseudonym: S. O.
Nickname: Glorvina
Nickname: The Wild Irish Girl
In her capacities as poet, novelist, and travel writer with a sharp eye for culture and politics, SOLM spoke for the early movement of Irish nationalism. She also wrote plays and verse. Her reputation, once dragged down by her politics, is now rising.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Reception Jane Porter
The ODNB judged the London scenes (where the hero is living privately in London and trying to make a living out of selling his painting) the most convincing in the book.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Thomas McLean , however...
Reception Mary Russell Mitford
She contacted several people (including the novelist Lady Dacre and the Whig hostess and diarist Lady Holland ) for support in her application, which was fuelled by the examples of the pensions granted to Sydney Morgan
Reception Catherine Gore
CG , identified during her lifetime with satire on the upper classes, was depicted by P. G. Patmore in Chatsworth; or, The Romance of a Week, 1844, Lady Bab Brilliant, who publicly lashed...
Reception Maria Edgeworth
Scholarly and critical work on her ever since Marilyn Butler 's literary biography, 1972, has amassed a significant body of new understanding. In 2009 Susan Egenolf discussed her work in political fiction along with some...
Residence Catherine Gore
CG and her family lived there for the next eight years.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
She later told Sydney Morgan that Paris has been a land of Canaan to me, and the milk and honey will necessarily find their...
Residence Lady Caroline Lamb
Lady Caroline had two homes, the Lamb estate of Brocket Hall (now a hotel and conference centre)
Douglass, Paul. Lady Caroline Lamb. Palgrave Macmillan.
and their town residence, Melbourne House in London. She spent much of her time at Brocket...
Textual Features Georgiana Chatterton
GC enters warmly into the sufferings, both physical and emotional, of the poverty-stricken, sometimes starving, Irish peasants. She insists that Irish people have good taste and intelligence, talent, imagination and wit, and feels that many...
Textual Features Anna Maria Hall
AMH also provides a satirical representation of Lady Morgan in the form of Lady Babs Hesketh, whom Maureen Keene describes as a literary lioness who played the harp for an enraptured social gathering.
Keane, Maureen. Mrs. S.C. Hall: A Literary Biography. Colin Smythe.
Textual Features Melesina Trench
About the first twenty pages are occupied by MT 's early reminiscences, probably written not long after her first husband's death: she frankly recorded her emotional disturbance over that event.
Trench, Melesina. The Remains of the Late Mrs. Richard Trench. Editor Trench, Richard Chenevix, Parker and Bourn.
Later pages mix letters...
Textual Features Adelaide O'Keeffe
AOK 's unusual historical novel, which appeared several years before anything comparable by Sydney Morgan , Christian Isobel Johnstone , or Sir Walter Scott , seems to carry within itself the seeds of the national...
Textual Features Katharine Tynan
At the centre of this novel stands a young Irish girl brought up solely by her father, who is a Gaelic scholar. The action moves between Dublin and London. The plot involves a love...
Textual Features Elizabeth Hervey
It is variously and descriptively set in Wales (where it opens near the mountains of Snowdon and Penmaenmawr), Ireland, and South Carolina, where Ned's adventures begin with landing at Charlestown (or Charleston)...
Textual Features Mary Martin
This novel follows in a tradition of presenting politically educative romance between Irish Catholic and English Protestant, which goes back to Sydney Owenson 'The Wild Irish Girl, 1806. Its interest lies in its...
Textual Features Catherine Gore
CG told Sydney Morgan that her publisher, Bentley , had both thought of the subject and suggested the title. But with this self-exculpation she admitted that her protagonist was based on Mary, Countess of Cork and Orrery
Textual Features Anne Plumptre
She aims, she says, at accuracy . . . impartiality . . . . fidelity,
Plumptre, Anne. Narrative of a Residence in Ireland. Henry Colburn.
and hopes this book will arouse a deeper interest than that about France, since it concerns an object so...


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