William Gifford

Standard Name: Gifford, William


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Literary responses Alicia Tyndal Palmer
William Gifford panned this novel in the Quarterly. He ridiculed ATP 's grasp of history and geography, and her overestimate of the cultural influence of English governesses. He presents the novel as a tedious...
Literary responses Lady Caroline Lamb
William Lamb worried intensely about the probable reception of Ada Reis, particularly the scenes in hell, and he tried to enlist William Gifford of the Quarterly as an ally in pressuring Caroline to tone...
Literary responses Jane Austen
William Gifford , editor of the Quarterly Review and a regular reader and advisor on manuscripts for John Murray , first read Pride and Prejudice in November 1814 and reported it to be really a...
Publishing Jane Austen
JA wrote of this novel, I can no more forget it, than a mother can forget her sucking child.
qtd. in
Honan, Park. Jane Austen: Her Life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.
She published it as a Lady: the only one issued this way, since later...
Publishing Jane Austen
James Stanier Clarke , the prince's librarian, had issued a somewhat obliquely-worded invitation to dedicate a future work to the prince. Emma was duly dedicated to him, albeit succinctly. Austen requested her new publisher, John Murray
Textual Features Harriet Downing
In the title poem a recluse offers shelter in his cave to a lady who gives birth and then dies, leaving her child to be educated only by nature. The protagonist of The Dying Maniac...
Textual Production Eleanor Anne Porden
The preface to this work apologizes for not apologizing: The greatness of an enterprize, while it increases the diffidence of an Author, almost destroys the right of apology. If . . . I have ventured...


1791: William Gifford, in his satire The Baviad,...

Writing climate item


William Gifford , in his satire The Baviad, became the first to attack the Della Cruscan body of poetry which notably included work by Robert Merry and Hannah Cowley .
McGann, Jerome. The Poetics of Sensibility: A Revolution in Literary Style. Clarendon, 1996.

20 November 1797-9 July 1798: The short-lived Anti-Jacobin monthly (first...

Writing climate item

20 November 1797-9 July 1798

The short-lived Anti-Jacobin monthly (first under this title) appeared, edited by William Gifford .
Sherburn, George, and Donald F. Bond. The Restoration and Eighteenth Century. 2nd ed., Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967.
British Library Catalogue. http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libweb/action/search.do?dscnt=0&tab=local_tab&dstmp=1489778087340&vid=BLVU1&mode=Basic&fromLo.


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