Charles de Gaulle

Standard Name: Gaulle, Charles de


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Nancy Mitford
NM began the most serious affair of her life, with Colonel Gaston Palewski , a member of the Free French Forces, and adviser and future minister to General Charles de Gaulle .
Mitford, Nancy. “Critical Materials”. Love from Nancy: The Letters of Nancy Mitford, edited by Charlotte Mosley, Hodder and Stoughton, 1993, p. various pages.
123, 527
Occupation Cecily Mackworth
During the early war years (including the period of the Blitz), CM worked for the Free French at the headquarters in Carlton Gardens, London, of the Bureau Central de Renseignement et d'Action (BCRA) ...
politics Bryher
Assisted by Bryher , Osbert Sitwell organized a Reading of Famous Poets, which was held at the Aeolian Hall in London and benefited de Gaulle 's Free French forces.
Collecott, Diana. H.D. and Sapphic Modernism, 1910-1950. Cambridge University Press, 1999, http://Rutherford HSS.
politics Julia Kristeva
JK had been a committed Marxist in her early life. She arrived in Paris (enabled to do so by Charles de Gaulle 's Europeanist vision despite the fact that she was already suspected of unorthodoxy...
Residence Violet Trefusis
VT received a telegram from Gaston Palewski , de Gaulle 's Chief of Staff, reading: My dear friend, naturally your presence is part of Paris. A visa came with it.
qtd. in
Jullian, Philippe et al. Violet Trefusis: Life and Letters. Hamish Hamilton, 1976.
Residence Julia Kristeva
She had, however, nearly forfeited her permission to travel by publishing an ideologically suspect article.
Miller, Lucasta. “Mother complex”. The Guardian, 7 Apr. 2007, p. Review 11.
She wrote later, I left my country in part because Charles de Gaulle dreamed of a Europe that would...
Residence Cecily Mackworth
She described this journey in detail in I Came Out of France and again more briefly in Ends of the World. Her later account recalls the crowd of refugees heading towards the twin towers...
Textual Production Helen Waddell
General Charles de Gaulle delivered at Tunis a speech intended to galvanize the Americans to decisive action in the Second World War,
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
which he had personally asked HW to translate from French into English.
Blackett, Monica. The Mark of the Maker: A Portrait of Helen Waddell. Constable, 1973.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Cecily Mackworth
Mackworth met plenty of soldiers, both French and British, who were baffled and upset by the crumbling of French resistance; she also met a few people of right-wing views who felt closer to a German...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Julia Kristeva
This was originally titled from one of its four sections, an address to the person who founded the French organization SOS Racisme . In a context of the spread of neo-Nazism in Europe (including the...


18 June 1940: Charles de Gaulle, a French officer who had...

National or international item

18 June 1940

Charles de Gaulle , a French officer who had fled to Britain when France fell (now technically, with Marshall Pétain 's armistice plan, a rebel and a deserter for seeking to fight on),
Beevor, Antony, and Charles de Gaulle. “Foreword”. The flame of French resistance, Guardian News and Media, 2007, pp. 5-8.

30 May 1941: At the instigation of Charles de Gaulle,...

National or international item

30 May 1941

At the instigation of Charles de Gaulle , the feast-day of Saint Joan of Arc was marked in Nazi -occupied France by informal groups of people walking the streets of our towns and our villages...

25 August 1944: Paris was liberated from Nazi occupation....

National or international item

25 August 1944

Paris was liberated from Nazi occupation. With the Allied advance approaching, Parisians mounted an uprising; a German general disobeyed Hitler 's order to destroy the city; and General de Gaulle ensured that the first troops...

May 1945: In what has become known as the Nuremberg...

National or international item

May 1945

In what has become known as the Nuremberg trials, leaders from the Allied countries (particularly the Big Four: Churchill , De Gaulle , Stalin , and Truman , who had succeeded to Roosevelt the...

January 1958: The European Economic Community or European...

National or international item

January 1958

The European Economic Community or European Common Market came into being; it was established by the Six: Belgium, France, the German Federal Republic, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.
Cook, Chris, and John, 1946 - Stevenson. The Longman Handbook of Modern British History 1714-1987. 2nd ed., Longman, 1988.
34, 39
Thomson, David, and Geoffrey Warner. England in the Twentieth Century, 1914-1979. 2nd ed., Penguin Books, 1981.

22 September 1958: In a referendum almost 80% of French citizens...

National or international item

22 September 1958

In a referendum almost 80% of French citizens approved the constitution drawn up for the new Fifth Republic in France. The Fourth Republic, instituted on 27 October 1946 following World War Two, had foundered...

8 January 1959: Charles de Gaulle was proclaimed the first...

National or international item

8 January 1959

Charles de Gaulle was proclaimed the first President of the Fifth Republic in France.
“1959: De Gaulle becomes president”. BBC News: On This Day, 8 Jan. 1959.
“May-December 1958: the nation turns to de Gaulle”.

10 August 1961: Britain applied, for the first time, for...

Writing climate item

10 August 1961

Britain applied, for the first time, for membership in the Common Market (later the European Community). This application was defeated by opposition from France in the person of President Charles de Gaulle .
“The Times Digital Archive 1785-2007”. Thompson Gale: The Times Digital Archive.
(10 August 1961): 8

2 May 1968: French students in Paris and elsewhere began...

National or international item

2 May 1968

French students in Paris and elsewhere began street protests against de Gaulle 's policies; these continued until 12 June and were violently put down by the police.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Wallerstein, Immanuel. “The Albatross of Racism”. London Review of Books, 18 May 2000, pp. 11-14.


Beevor, Antony, and Charles de Gaulle. “Foreword”. The flame of French resistance, Guardian News and Media, 2007, pp. 5-8.
Gaulle, Charles de, and Antony Beevor. The flame of French resistance. Guardian News and Media, 2007.