Sir Henry Taylor

Standard Name: Taylor, Sir Henry


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Lucy Knox
LK was not the only poet in the family: Henry Taylor was her uncle by marriage, and Aubrey de Vere was her father's first cousin.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Family and Intimate relationships Una Troubridge
Sir Henry Taylor , UT 's paternal grandfather, was a poet and playwright whose verses were admired by Wordsworth and whose plays (Victorian melodrama) were performed by the famous actor William Charles Macready . Taylor's...
Friends, Associates Jane Welsh Carlyle
Despite her ill health, the couple entertained regularly. Their guests included John Stuart Mill , Henry Taylor , and Leigh Hunt . JWC became especially fond of Hunt and Mill.
Surtees, Virginia. Jane Welsh Carlyle. Michael Russell.
While in London she...
Friends, Associates Thomas Carlyle
While in London, TC socialized with John Stuart Mill , Mary and Charles Lamb , Henry Taylor , Sarah Austin and Leigh Hunt .
Friends, Associates Sara Coleridge
Friends, Associates Lucie Duff Gordon
Lucie enjoyed her stays in Boulogne, where she spent time with the fishermen. During her first visit there she met and became a friend of the German poet Heinrich Heine .
Ross, Janet, and Lucie Duff Gordon. “Memoir”. Letters from Egypt, Virago, pp. 1-17.
Duff Gordon, Lucie. “Preface and Introduction”. Letters from Egypt (1862-1869), edited by Gordon Waterfield, Enlarged Centenary edition, Routledge and Kegan Paul, p. xiii - 39.
Friends, Associates Lucie Duff Gordon
Her friends and acquaintances included (besides Caroline Norton , a particularly close friend) politicians Lord Lansdowne and Lord Monteagle ; writers William Thackeray , Charles Dickens , Emily Eden , Elliot Warburton , Alfred Tennyson
Friends, Associates Eliza Fletcher
Joanna Baillie (a well qualified judge) thought few people have so many friends as EF , and that they all warmly esteemed as well as loving her.
Baillie, Joanna. The Collected Letters of Joanna Baillie. Editor Slagle, Judith Bailey, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
2: 699
At first meeting, Fletcher did not...
Friends, Associates Alice Meynell
Following her early conquest of Tennyson , AM went on to develop a large circle of literary acquaintances. Callers on the Meynells at Palace Court included Irish writer Katharine Tynan , Aubrey Beardsley (while he...
Literary responses Isabella Neil Harwood
For the most part, the reviews were very complimentary. They felt that these plays, though not inspiring or highly original, showed considerable constructive skill, combined with a rare degree of literary culture and taste.
“Recent Verse”. The Examiner, No. 3335.
Literary responses Augusta Webster
The play was a critical but notThe Athenæum's review criticized AW for borrowing too heavily for her style from Sir Henry Taylor and Robert Browning :The result of this over-fidelity to her model...


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