Aubrey Thomas de Vere

Standard Name: Vere, Aubrey Thomas de


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Lucy Knox
In 1877 LK contributed several poems to the Irish Monthly. I have no wealth of grief; no sobs, no tears was included in Hall Caine 's anthology Sonnets of Three Centuries along with poems...
death Adelaide Procter
Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon wrote of her grief to Bessie Rayner Parkes : Adelaide's death is as a light gone from among us.
Hirsch, Pam. Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon 1827-1891: Feminist, Artist and Rebel. Chatto and Windus, 1998.
AP was buried in the Catholic St Mary's Cemetery, Kensal Green...
Family and Intimate relationships Lucy Knox
LK was not the only poet in the family: Henry Taylor was her uncle by marriage, and Aubrey de Vere was her father's first cousin.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Family and Intimate relationships Charlotte Grace O'Brien
Through her paternal uncle Robert, CGOB had two cousins who were poets: Sir Stephen and Sir Aubrey de Vere , the former a classicist and the latter the poet of Ireland, poet of Catholicism.
Gwynn, Stephen Lucius, and Charlotte Grace O’Brien. “Introductory Memoir”. Charlotte Grace O’Brien, Maunsel, 1909, pp. 3-135.
Friends, Associates Sara Coleridge
Friends, Associates Emily Lawless
Lawless made a number of other friends, acquaintances, and admirers through her writing, including Margaret Oliphant , an early friend and critic, Rhoda Broughton , George Meredith , Aubrey de Vere , Mary Augusta Ward
Friends, Associates Charlotte Grace O'Brien
Cassandra Hill , an earnest educator of the Irish peasantry (but only in such topics as she herself would entirely approve) was one of CGOB 's closest friends in Donegal. Others—concern for the betterment...
Intertextuality and Influence Alice Meynell
AM 's associations with Aubrey de Vere , Patmore , and Meredith were mutually beneficial. She shared with these poet-mentors the passion and facility for metrical and verbal analysis.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Her approach to poetry and...
Literary responses Charlotte Grace O'Brien
Of her poetry, Stephen Gwynn found real excellence only when she worked with a metre which imposed upon her a rigid form. Though he admitted her looser lyrics had grace and charm, he thought only...
Literary responses Charlotte Grace O'Brien
Fenian Will Upton , whose own publication venture she later encouraged, wrote to praise the novel's freedom from sensationalism. To depict our peasant life truly without prejudice is indeed a national good. . ....
Literary responses Alice Meynell
AM later condemned her early preludes, but the book received praise from Tennyson , Aubrey Thomas de Vere , and Ruskin , who thought A Letter from a Girl to her own Old Age,...
Literary responses Charlotte Grace O'Brien
Gwynn at least tolerated these experiments, but Aubrey de Vere was shocked, and wrote CGOB a letter of remonstrance which Gwynn found interesting.
Gwynn, Stephen Lucius, and Charlotte Grace O’Brien. “Introductory Memoir”. Charlotte Grace O’Brien, Maunsel, 1909, pp. 3-135.
Textual Features Katharine Tynan
She limited her selection to Irish lyrical poetry of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, excluding political poems and poems either derived from English or already well-known to English audiences. Her wide range of poets included...


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