Connections Sort descending | Author name | Excerpt |
Dedications | Margaret Croker | MC
prefaced it with a verse dedication to Thomas, Lord Erskine
(an eminent lawyer who had defended Thomas Paine
for publishing the Rights of Man). She praises him for charity and patriotism. A second... |
Family and Intimate relationships | Charlotte Dacre | John King
, father of CD
and Sophia King
, dated a letter to Tom Paine
on political developments in France. King, John, 1753 - 1824, and Thomas, 1737 - 1809 Paine. Mr King’s Speech at Egham. Printed by C. Boult for J. Debrett , 1793. 10-16 |
Family and Intimate relationships | Charlotte Dacre | |
Family and Intimate relationships | Frances Wright | FW
's father was James Wright, junior
, a Dundee linen merchant, knowledgeable coin collector, and an admirer of Thomas Paine
and the principles of the French Revolution. Eckhardt, Celia Morris. Fanny Wright. Harvard University Press, 1984. 5 Lane, Margaret. Frances Wright and the "Great Experiment". Manchester University Press, 1972. 3-4 |
Friends, Associates | Mary Wollstonecraft | In Paris MW
met several of her radical friends from London, like Tom Paine
, as well as Helen Maria Williams
and her lover John Hurford Stone
. She also met French revolutionaries like Manon Roland |
Intertextuality and Influence | Charlotte Smith | This epistolary novel is highly political; its preface asserts a woman's right to interest in politics. The letters in it span the period from June 1790 to February 1792, tracking the events of the French... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Anne Grant | Her range of literary reference and comment is wide: as well as Richardson
(whose Clarissa she unequivocally praises), Grant, Anne. Letters from the Mountains. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1809, 3 vols. 2: 45-8 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Ann Hatton | The work is headed with a motto: Feeling, not genius, prompts the lay, Feminist Companion Archive. |
Intertextuality and Influence | Hannah More | Will Chip (with the support of Jack Anvil the blacksmith) admonishes Tom Hod, the mason, who has become discontented on reading Tom Paine
. The non-revolutionary characters invoke the subordination of women (and of children... |
Intertextuality and Influence | Hannah More | Several of the Cheap Repository Tracts specifically answer texts by Voltaire
or Paine
. Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952. 147 |
Intertextuality and Influence | Tabitha Tenney | Throughout the story Dorcasina's episodes with various lovers have been separated by lapses of time, generally years. The real world occasionally signals its existence, generally through somebody's illness or death. In the final episode, which... |
Leisure and Society | Anna Margaretta Larpent | In a typical day, AML
read Tom Paine
to herself, and Sarah Trimmer
and some Latin with her sons. She went to see the kangaroo, the Polygraphic Exhibition, and Thomas Holcroft
's Road to Ruin. Brewer, John. The Pleasures of the Imagination: English Culture in the Eighteenth Century. Farrar Straus Giroux, 1997. 56 |
Literary responses | Susanna Haswell Rowson | Early, informal response centred on the play's daring political message, which made SHR
famous or notorious. People spoke of the play as Americans in Algiers or Slaves Released from Algiers. Montgomery, Benilde. “Slaves in Algiers: Susanna Rowsons First American Play”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, Apr. 1991. |
politics | Clara Reeve | CR
said that her father was an old Whig, and it appears that her own politics were of the same stamp. She favoured social reforms like improved education for women, and welcomed the early... |
politics | Hannah Griffitts | HG
was an American patriot who was nonetheless not happy about the war of independence; she described herself as a Whig. It is clear from her poetry that her Quaker pacifist beliefs were strongly felt... |
1763: George Robinson founded his publishing firm...
Writing climate item
George Robinson
founded his publishing firm in Paternoster Row, London; it became G., G. J., and J. Robinson
in 1784 when his son and brother joined as partners.
Waldron, Mary. “A Different Kind of Patronage: Ann Yearsley’s Later Friends”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin and Jack Lynch, Vol.
, AMS Press, 2002, pp. 283-35. 329n8
16 December 1789: The Society for Constitutional Information...
National or international item
16 December 1789
The Society for Constitutional Information
(a potentially radical political organization) held its semi-annual meeting at the London Tavern, to commemorate the centenary of the Bill of Rights.
Butler, Marilyn, editor. Burke, Paine, Godwin, and the Revolution Controversy. Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Goodwin, Albert. The Friends of Liberty: The English Democratic Movement in the Age of the French Revolution. Hutchinson, 1979.
Gentleman’s Magazine. Various publishers.
59 (1789): 1183
1 February 1791: Thomas Paine published Rights of Man, written...
Writing climate item
1 February 1791
Thomas Paine
published Rights of Man, written in answer to Burke
's Reflections on the Revolution in France.
Butler, Marilyn, editor. Burke, Paine, Godwin, and the Revolution Controversy. Cambridge University Press, 1984.
Scheuermann, Mona. “Ferocious Countenance: The Upper Classes Look at the Poor”. The Age of Johnson, edited by Paul J. Korshin, Vol.
, 2000, pp. 53-79. 53-4
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.
1792: Richard Phillips, still a bookseller in Leicester,...
Writing climate item
Richard Phillips
, still a bookseller in Leicester, was imprisoned for publishing Tom Paine
's Rights of Man.
Campbell, Mary, 1917 - 2002. Lady Morgan: The Life and Times of Sydney Owenson. Pandora, 1988.
April 1792: Mobs attacked houses and mills owned by Unitarians...
Building item
April 1792
Mobs attacked houses and mills owned by Unitarians
in Nottingham; two months later, meeting-houses in Manchester were sacked, and, in November, mills in Belper.
Norton, Rictor. Mistress of Udolpho: The Life of Ann Radcliffe. Leicester University Press, 1999.
24 June 1793: A new Constitution, revised from that drafted...
National or international item
24 June 1793
A new Constitution, revised from that drafted by Condorcet
and Paine
, was proclaimed in France.
Tomalin, Claire. The Life and Death of Mary Wollstonecraft. Revised, Penguin, 1992.
Godineau, Dominique. The Women of Paris and Their French Revolution. Translator Streip, Katherine, University of California Press, 1998.
September 1793: Effigies of anti-slavery leader William Wilberforce...
National or international item
September 1793
Effigies of anti-slavery leader William Wilberforce
and radical Thomas Paine
were burned together at Kingston, Jamaica: Anna Maria Falconbridge
witnessed this on her roundabout voyage from Africa to England.
Falconbridge, Anna Maria, and Mary Ann Parker. Maiden Voyages and Infant Colonies. Editor Coleman, Deirdre, Leicester University Press, 1999.
By July 1794: Thomas Paine published another bombshell...
Writing climate item
By July 1794
Thomas Paine
published another bombshell for the British establishment: The Age of Reason, which set out to demolish the grounds of traditional orthodox religion.
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.
After 31 March 1796: William Beckford burlesqued women writers...
Women writers item
After 31 March 1796
William Beckford
burlesqued women writers and attacked reactionary government in his novel Modern Novel Writing, or the Elegant Enthusiast; and Interesting Emotions of Arabella Bloomville. A Rhapsodical Romance; Interspersed with Poetry, published as Lady...
2 July 1798: The conservative Lady's Monthly Museum: or...
Writing climate item
2 July 1798
The conservative Lady's Monthly Museum: or polite repository of amusement and instruction published its first number. Sometimes called The Ladies' Monthly Museum . . . it ran until the 1830s.
Watson, George, and Ian Roy Wilson, editors. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1969, 5 vols., http://U of A, HSS Ruth N Flr 1 Ref.
Beetham, Margaret. A Magazine of Her Own?: Domesticity and Desire in the Woman’s Magazine, 1800-1914. Routledge, 1996.
Pitcher, Edward W. The "Lady’s Monthly Museum". First Series: 1798-1806. Edwin Mellen Press, 2000.
British Library Catalogue.
6 March 1812: Daniel Isaac Eaton was tried in the Court...
National or international item
6 March 1812
Daniel Isaac Eaton
was tried in the Court of King's Bench
for publishing the final part of Thomas Paine
's Age of Reason.
Burmester, James et al. English Books. James Burmester Rare Books, 1985–2025, Numbered catalogues.
15 October 1819: Richard Carlile was convicted on charges...
National or international item
15 October 1819
Richard Carlile
was convicted on charges of blasphemous libel for his publication of Thomas Paine
's Age of Reason and Elihu Palmer
's Principles of Nature.
Thomas, Donald. A Long Time Burning: The History of Literary Censorship in England. Frederick A. Praeger, 1969.
Haydn, Joseph. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates and Universal Information. Editor Vincent, Benjamin, 23rd ed., Ward, Lock, 1904.
1821: Mary Anne Carlile, sister of Richard Carlile...
National or international item
Mary Anne Carlile
, sister of Richard Carlile
(who had published Thomas Paine
), was charged twice with blasphemous libel.
Thomas, Donald. A Long Time Burning: The History of Literary Censorship in England. Frederick A. Praeger, 1969.
King, John, 1753 - 1824, and Thomas, 1737 - 1809 Paine. Mr King’s Speech at Egham. Printed by C. Boult for J. Debrett , 1793.
Paine, Thomas, 1737 - 1809. Rights of Man. J. Johnson, 1791.