He became a friend at Shrewsbury of Fulke Greville
and was a contemporary at Oxford of such later luminaries as Richard Hakluyt
, Thomas Bodley
, and Walter Raleigh
. He made other intellectual friends...
8 January 1561: John Bodley (father of the library founder...
Writing climate item
8 January 1561
John Bodley
(father of the library founder Sir Thomas
) was granted a licence under the Privy Seal to sole rights for seven years to print the English Bible in a revised text which had...
8 November 1602: The Bodleian Library, Oxford, first admitted...
Writing climate item
8 November 1602
The Bodleian Library
, Oxford, first admitted readers (nearly five years after Sir Thomas Bodley
's original offer to restore Duke Humfrey's Library).
Trim, David J. B. “Sir Thomas Bodley and the International Protestant Cause”. Bodleian Library Record, Vol.
, No. 4, 1998, pp. 314-40.
12 December 1610: The Stationers' Company agreed to deposit,...