Union of Democratic Control


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Lady Margaret Sackville
Members of the Union of Democratic Control also included Margaret Llewelyn Davies and Bertrand Russell . Helena M. Swanwick was a member of the Executive Committee, and LMS was one of twelve women besides her...
Occupation Kathleen E. Innes
Kathleen Royds (later Innes) took up a job as organizer for the Birmingham branch of the Union for Democratic Control .
Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995.
66-7, 246
politics Lady Margaret Sackville
Some detail about the Union of Democratic Control is in order here because her membership of its General Council is at odds with the accepted image of LMS , and suggests that a side of...
politics Mary Agnes Hamilton
She knew most of the leaders of this group, to which she gives several pages in her memoirs. She later came to regard it, however, as a cocoon or cell that kept those inside it...
politics Vernon Lee
VL , along with Ramsay MacDonald , Norman Angell , and Charles Trevelyan , became an early member of the Union of Democratic Control .
Colby, Vineta. Vernon Lee: A Literary Biography. University of Virginia Press, 2003.
politics Vera Brittain
VB had supported a number of pacifist groups in the early 1930s, including the National Peace Council , the Union of Democratic Control , and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom .
Gorham, Deborah. Vera Brittain: A Feminist Life. Blackwell, 1996.
politics Isabella Ormston Ford
Shortly after its foundation, IOF joined the Union of Democratic Control , which aimed to achieve a negotiated peace to end the Great War and to develop policy to prevent further wars.
Hannam, June. Isabella Ford. Basil Blackwell, 1989.
x, 166
politics Constance Smedley
Living at Minchinhampton opened Smedley's eyes to the poverty and deprivation prevalent in the English countryside, and from a moderate Conservative she became an active Liberal supporter. The Pageant of Progress, which charted the...
politics Lady Margaret Sackville
LMS was in her early thirties when the First World War began. She joined the anti-war Union of Democratic Control in 1914, the year it was launched. Other family members of hers shared her anti-war...
Textual Production Vernon Lee
VL dedicated The Ballet of the Nations to Romain Rolland , whose pacifism she admired greatly.Peace With Honour was published in association with the Union of Democratic Control , an anti-war organization which she...


August 1914: The Union of Democratic Control was established...

National or international item

August 1914

The Union of Democratic Control was established by J. Ramsay MacDonald , Norman Angell , Charles Trevelyan , and E. D. Morel .
Ceadel, Martin. Pacifism in Britain, 1914-1945 : The Defining of a Faith. Clarendon, 1980, http://U of A HSS.
Appendix I
Hinton, James. Protests and Visions: Peace Politics in Twentieth-Century Britain. Hutchinson Radius, 1989, http://U of A HSS.
Harvey, Kathryn. "Driven by War into Politics": A Feminist Biography of Kathleen Innes. University of Alberta, 1995.
The Working Class Movement Library holds most of...


Lee, Vernon. Peace with Honour. Union of Democratic Control, 1915.