Royalty Theatre, London


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Inez Bensusan
The Play Department of the Actresses' Franchise League , directed by IB , helped to raise suffrage funds with matinees of short plays and sketches at the Kingsway , Royalty and Lyceum theatres in London.
Hirshfield, Claire. “The Woman’s Theatre in England: 1913-1918”. Theatre History Studies, Vol.
, pp. 123-37.
Occupation Harriett Jay
After this HJ seems to have done less professional acting, while The Stage reported in June 1888 that she was shortly to produce, as well as taking the lead role in, a charity performance of...
Performance of text F. Tennyson Jesse
She earned fifteen guineas for this piece. It became quite popular, but rumours spread that it was written by Frank Harris . Austin Harrison , editor of the English Review, sent her a letter...
Performance of text Edith Lyttelton
EL 's modern-day morality play Peter's Chance: A Play in Three Acts opened at the Royalty Theatre in London.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press.
Lyttelton, Edith. Peter’s Chance. Duckworth.
Performance of text George Paston
GP 's one-act play Feed the Brute, subtitled an uninstructive conversation, was produced by the Pioneers at the Royalty Theatre .
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press.
Performance of text G. B. Stern
The Matriarch, A Play in a Prologue and Three Acts, a stage adaptation of GBS 's novel Tents of Israel (1924), opened at the Royalty Theatre in London.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Performance of text Arnold Bennett
AB 's Milestones, written with the US dramatist Edward Knoblock , opened at the Royalty Theatre in London: it proved one of his most successful plays.
Cox, Michael, editor. The Oxford Chronology of English Literature. Oxford University Press.
Drabble, Margaret. Arnold Bennett: A Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
185, 189
Performance of text F. Tennyson Jesse
Billeted, a three-act comedy by FTJ and her future husband, Harold Marsh Harwood , was produced at the Royalty Theatre in London.
Colenbrander, Joanna. A Portrait of Fryn. A. Deutsch.
OCLC WorldCat. Accessed 1999.


20 June 1787: Actor John Palmer briefly opened the first...

Building item

20 June 1787

Actor John Palmer briefly opened the first new London theatre since 1732: the Royalty in Well Street.

20 June 1787: Actor John Palmer briefly opened the first...

Building item

20 June 1787

Actor John Palmer briefly opened the first new London theatre since 1732: the Royalty in Well Street.

1826: American-born black actor Ira Aldridge debuted...

Building item


American-born black actor Ira Aldridge debuted in London as Othello at the Royalty Theatre .


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