Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
George Paston
Standard Name: Paston, George
Birth Name: Emily Morse Symonds
Pseudonym: George Paston
George Paston (Emily Morse Symonds) began her writing career as a novelist in the 1890s, but from 1900 turned her attention to writing biographies, histories, and drama, many of which reflect her fascination with the eighteenth century. Several of her works question the legal and social limitations faced by women of all classes, particularly within the institution of marriage.
His London life brought him new friends like the feminist writer George Paston (Emily Morse Symonds), with whom he enjoyed literary discussion and may have hoped for the development of romance.
Drabble, Margaret. Arnold Bennett: A Biography. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1974.
Literary responses
Elizabeth Margravine of Anspach
At the time of this publication, EMA's name and her reputation were anything but forgotten in England.
Her reputation lived on after her death both in Britain and...
Literary responses
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
For centuries LMWM has been interpreted and re-interpreted, judged less often as writer than as an exemplar of the unacceptable female. Her fame and/or notoriety flourished during her lifetime, and posthumous publications kept it alive...
Inez Bensusan
This organisation, still closely associated with the Actresses' Franchise League, was responsible for staging at least 654 performances during the First World War. Musical and variety shows were the most popular events, but IB
Boll, Theophilus E. M. Miss May Sinclair: Novelist: A Biographical and Critical Introduction. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1973.
Sinclair, however, could not approve the increasingly...
Anne Grant
Interest in AG never really died out between her death and the early twentieth century. The decision of the Scottish History Society to include in its Publications, 1896, nearly a hundred pages of her...
Textual Production
Ella Hepworth Dixon
She was offered this position by F. V. White on the strength of her novel The Story of a Modern Woman. As an editor she was following in the footsteps of her celebrated father
Textual Production
Julia Constance Fletcher
JCF, as George Fleming, published Little Stories About Women, whose title seems to allude to George Paston’s Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century, 1893 (which is strong on lives of women).
Stetz, Margaret D. “Turning Points: George Fleming”. Turn-of-the-Century Women, Vol.
, No. 1, 2, 1990, pp. 2-10.
June 1908: The Women Writers' Suffrage League was established...
Whitelaw, Lis. The Life and Rebellious Times of Cicely Hamilton. Women’s Press, 1990.
Liggins, Emma. “The ’Sordid Story’ of an Unwanted Child: Militancy, Motherhood, and Abortion in Elizabeth Robins’s Votes for Women and Way Stations”. Women’s Writing, Vol.
, No. 3, Aug. 2018, pp. 347-61.
Paston, George, and Peter Quennell. "To Lord Byron". J. Murray, 1939.
Paston, George. A Bread and Butter Miss. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1895.
Paston, George. A Fair Deceiver. Harper and Brothers, 1898.
Paston, George. A Modern Amazon. Osgood, McIlvaine, 1894.
Paston, George. A Study in Prejudices. Hutchinson, 1895.
Paston, George. A Writer of Books. Chapman and Hall, 1898.
Paston, George. A Writer of Books. Academy Chicago Publishers, 1999.
Miller, Anita, and George Paston. “Afterword”. A Writer of Books, Academy Chicago Publishers, 1999, pp. 261-5.
Paston, George. At John Murray’s. J. Murray, 1932.
Paston, George. B. R. Haydon and His Friends. Nisbet, 1905.
Paston, George. Clothes and the Woman. S. French, 1922.