Kingsway Theatre


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Occupation Constance Smedley
In the New Forest they set up a theatrical summer school, which ran for three seasons. They attracted students from all over the world. At the same period they began publishing textbooks on their theatrical...
Occupation Harriett Jay
Alone in London opened in its title city by 22 October 1885, and in it Jay again took the stage. On 22 February of the next year she and Buchanan took this play on the...
Occupation Inez Bensusan
The Play Department of the Actresses' Franchise League , directed by IB , helped to raise suffrage funds with matinees of short plays and sketches at the Kingsway , Royalty and Lyceum theatres in London.
Hirshfield, Claire. “The Woman’s Theatre in England: 1913-1918”. Theatre History Studies, Vol.
, June 1995, pp. 123-37.
Performance of text Cicely Hamilton
CH 's first full-length play, Diana of Dobson's, opened at the Kingsway Theatre in London.
Demastes, William W., and Katherine E. Kelly, editors. British Playwrights, 1880-1956. Greenwood Press, 1996.
Performance of text Cicely Hamilton
Jack and Jill and a Friend, CH 's comic drama about the difficulties of being a woman writer, was performed by the Pioneer Players at the Kingsway Theatre in London, directed by Edith Craig .
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.
Whitelaw, Lis. The Life and Rebellious Times of Cicely Hamilton. Women’s Press, 1990.
Performance of text Cicely Hamilton
After Birmingham, the play ran from 17 November 1925 to 16 January 1926 at the Kingsway Theatre in London, produced by Sir Barry Jackson .
Demastes, William W., and Katherine E. Kelly, editors. British Playwrights, 1880-1956. Greenwood Press, 1996.
Performance of text Henrik Ibsen
The first public English production of HI 's play A Doll's House opened at the Novelty Theatre in London, causing a sensation among forward-looking women.
Hawkins-Dady, Mark et al., editors. International Dictionary of Theatre. St James Press, 1992–1996, 3 vols.
I: 191
McFarlane, James, editor. The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
xix, xxi
Performance of text Harriett Jay
HJ co-wrote a second play with Robert Buchanan : Fascination, this time a three-act comedy. She also played the title character in its opening at the Novelty Theatre .
“The Novelty Theatre”. Times, No. 32198, 8 Oct. 1887, p. 4.
32198 (8 October 1887): 4
Performance of text Christopher St John
CSJ 's adaptation/translation The Children's Carnival (from Carnaval des enfants by St Georges de Bouhelier ) was first performed by the Pioneer Players at the Kingsway Theatre , London.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Performance of text Christopher St John
CSJ 's one-act play The First Actress made part of the inaugural performance (Kingsway Theatre , London) of the newly founded Pioneer Players .
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Cockin, Katharine. Edith Craig (1869-1947): Dramatic Lives. Cassell, 1998.


4 October 1884: American musical comedy star Lillian Russell...

Building item

4 October 1884

American musical comedy star Lillian Russell made a hit in London starring as Polly Pluckrose in Polly at the Novelty Theatre .
Who Was Who in the Theatre: 1912-1976. Gale Research, 1978, 4 vols.
Fields writes that the play Polly opened on 8 November 1885, while...


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