English Association


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Marghanita Laski
ML contributed an essay on Keats , The Language of the Nightingale Ode, to R. M. Wilson 's Essays and Studies 1966, the nineteenth volume in the English Association 's Essays and Studies...
Friends, Associates Margaret Kennedy
Other women writers with whom MK established friendships included Lettice Cooper , Phyllis Bentley (who had also been at Cheltenham ), Marghanita Laski , Elizabeth Jenkins , and Rose Macaulay . These authors supported and...
Publishing Helen Waddell
HW never completed the work with which she hoped to crown her career as a scholar, a study of John of Salisbury (who lived in the twelfth century and was a pupil of Abelard ...
Textual Production Margaret Kennedy
At Lettice Cooper 's invitation, MK gave a lecture to the Leeds Branch of the English Association .
Powell, Violet. The Constant Novelist. W. Heinemann.
Textual Production Margaret Kennedy
Kennedy took the material for this biography from a series of lectures on Jane Austen she had given at the Liverpool Branch of the British Federation of University Women and the English Association of Bath...
Textual Production Anne Thackeray Ritchie
She followed it up in in her address of 10 January 1913 as President of the English Association , published in pamphlet form as A Discourse on Modern Sibyls, as well as in From...
Textual Production Rebecca West
RW published McLuhan and the Future of Literature, an attack on the work of Marshall McLuhan which she had given as a presidential address for the English Association .
Orel, Harold. The Literary Achievement of Rebecca West. Macmillan.
West, Rebecca. “Bibliography”. Rebecca West: A Celebration, edited by Samuel Hynes, Viking Press, pp. 761-6.
West, Rebecca. McLuhan and the Future of Literature. Oxford University Press, http://UofA.


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