published McLuhan and the Future of Literature, an attack on the work of Marshall McLuhan
which she had given as a presidential address for the English Association
Orel, Harold. The Literary Achievement of Rebecca West. Macmillan, 1986.
West, Rebecca. “Bibliography”. Rebecca West: A Celebration, edited by Samuel Hynes, Viking Press, 1977, pp. 761-6.
West, Rebecca. McLuhan and the Future of Literature. Oxford University Press, 1969, http://UofA.
Theme or Topic Treated in Text
Kathleen Nott
approvingly cites Mary Warnock
for discerning and hailing a tendency among moral philosophers to address the complexities of actual choice, and actual decisions, thus making moral philosophy more difficult, perhaps much more embarrassing...
1962: Marshall McLuhan, an academic critic at the...
Writing climate item
Marshall McLuhan
, an academic critic at the University of Toronto
, published perhaps his best-known book, The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man.
Herbert Marshall McLuhan The medium is the message 1911-1980.