Civil Service


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Elizabeth Jenkins
EJ 's war work was done in the Civil Service , first for the Assistance Board which helped in the settlement of Jewish refugees and then with compensation payments to those whose property had been...
Occupation Philip Larkin
PL became urban district librarian for the town of Wellington in Shropshire, having graduated BA, failed the entrance exam for the Civil Service , and been ordered by the Ministry of Defence to take...
Occupation P. D. James
PDJ chose the Civil Service because, with her husband and two daughters to support, she saw it as a safe job. Having qualified herself in hospital administration through evening classes, she was put in charge...
Occupation Muriel Box
Muriel's mother surprised her by sympathising with her desire to get into pictures, while her father saw nothing wrong with being a typist.
Box, Muriel. Odd Woman Out. Leslie Frewin, 1974.
She began working in films as a teenage extra in The...
Occupation Ray Strachey
Philippa Strachey was also active in the bureau, which shifted after the war to dealing with the problems of women newly unemployed because of men returning from the armed forces. Edith Lyttelton joined in the...
Occupation Amber Reeves
While she held this job, the wages of female munitions workers went up from twelve shillings to twenty-eight (from about a quarter of her own pay to about half). She was a member of the...
Reception Doreen Wallace
Wallace's publisher, Sir William Collins , was moved by this novel to compliment DW on one of the most imaginative pieces of writing he had encountered for a long time. In his capacity as a...
Textual Features Naomi Royde-Smith
Proof is a skilfully presented tale about Agnes Blundell, a stereotypically stupid, self-regarding, and possessive wife. She is secretly a laughing-stock among her husband's male acquaintance for telling, at the drop of a hat, a...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Christabel Pankhurst
Having pointed out that women acquire on marriage an extra set of legal disabilities to go with those they had before, and having argued that without the vote women are in no state to alter...


1834: The British Treasury instituted a Civil Service...

Building item


The British Treasury instituted a Civil Service examination in order to select the most suitable of three nominees chosen from a list prepared by the Patronage Secretary.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

1834: The British Treasury instituted a Civil Service...

Building item


The British Treasury instituted a Civil Service examination in order to select the most suitable of three nominees chosen from a list prepared by the Patronage Secretary.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

1853: The Charter Act replaced patronage appointments...

Building item


The Charter Act replaced patronage appointments to the Indian Civil Service with competitive examinations open to British subjects of all classes.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

By 4 March 1854: Northcote and Trevelyan published their Report...

Building item

By 4 March 1854

Northcote and Trevelyan published their Report on the Organization of the Permanent Civil Service.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

12 October 1854: W. H. Russell began reporting in The Times...

National or international item

12 October 1854

W. H. Russell began reporting in The Times on army medical service in the Crimean War, specifically on the confusion, mismanagement, and maladministration which he saw at the scene of action.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

4 June 1870: An order in council established a policy...

National or international item

4 June 1870

An order in council established a policy of open competitive examinations for positions in the Civil Service .
Pellew, Jill. The Home Office, 1848-1914: from Clerks to Bureaucrats. Heinemann Educational Books, 1982.
15, 20-2

1875: The Savings Bank Department, a division of...

Building item


The Savings Bank Department , a division of the Post Office , was the second government division to hire women clerks; approximately thirty women were hired that year.
Levine, Philippa. Victorian Feminism 1850-1900. Hutchinson, 1987.
Holcombe, Lee. Victorian Ladies At Work: Middle-Class Working Women in England and Wales, 1850-1914. Archon Books, 1973.

1876: An Order in Council created a Lower Division...

National or international item


An Order in Council created a Lower Division of clerks in the Civil Service who were transferable from one department to another.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

1876: An Order in Council created a Lower Division...

National or international item


An Order in Council created a Lower Division of clerks in the Civil Service who were transferable from one department to another.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

1888: The first women typists in the Civil Service...

Building item


The first women typists in the Civil Service were appointed; these women were often referred to as female typewriters.
Martindale, Hilda. Women Servants of the State, 1870-1938: A History of Women in the Civil Service. G. Allen and Unwin , 1938.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

1888: The first women typists in the Civil Service...

Building item


The first women typists in the Civil Service were appointed; these women were often referred to as female typewriters.
Martindale, Hilda. Women Servants of the State, 1870-1938: A History of Women in the Civil Service. G. Allen and Unwin , 1938.
Cohen, Emmeline W. The Growth of the British Civil Service 1780-1939. Archon Books, 1965, http://U of G.

1894: The prohibition of married women in the British...

Building item


The prohibition of married women in the BritishCivil Service , begun in practice in 1876, was formalized.
Grint, Keith. “Women and Equality: The Acquisition of Equal Pay in the Post Office, 1870-1961”. Sociology, Vol.
, No. 1, 1988, pp. 87-108.

17 March 1894: The British Civil Service added the class...

Building item

17 March 1894

The BritishCivil Service added the class Female Typewriters, whose job was to copy handwritten material.
Evans, Dorothy. Women and the Civil Service. Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, 1934.
Martindale, Hilda. Women Servants of the State, 1870-1938: A History of Women in the Civil Service. G. Allen and Unwin , 1938.

February 1920: A report on reorganising the British Civil...

Building item

February 1920

A report on reorganising the BritishCivil Service (particularly with regard to the gendering of employment and salary scales) was signed by members of the National Whitley Council . It was published the same year.
“Civil Service National Whitley Council Reorganisation Committee: final report”. BOPCRIS (British Official Publications Collaborative Reader Information): Unlocking Key British Government Publications.

February 1925: In the examinations for entry to the British...

Building item

February 1925

In the examinations for entry to the BritishCivil Service , Administrative grade (the first year that this competition had been open to female candidates), three of the twenty-one hired were women.
Ferguson, Neal A. “Women’s Work: Employment Opportunities and Economic Roles, 1918-1939”. Albion, Vol.
, No. 1, 1975, pp. 55-68.
Evans, Dorothy. Women and the Civil Service. Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, 1934.


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