Auguste Comte

Standard Name: Comte, Auguste


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation Beatrice Webb
Beatrice Potter (later BW ) underwent a religious crisis in late adolescence; she experienced a short-lived conversion to traditional Anglican Christianity in 1875. After that she returned to looking for alternatives—Buddhism and other Eastern religions...
Friends, Associates Sarah Austin
Leading intellectuals and artists who visited SA 's salon included historian Auguste Mignet , philosopher and politician Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire , political writer Alexis de Tocqueville , historian Augustin Thierry , economists Léon Faucher , Frédéric Bastiat
Friends, Associates Lucie Duff Gordon
While they were in Paris their visitors included philosopher and politician Victor Cousin , writers Alfred de Vigny , Jules Barthélemy Saint Hilaire , and Léon de Wailly , Positivist philosopher Auguste Comte , and...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Aurora Leigh engages with a wide range of contemporary debates and social issues, paramount among them the roles of women and the role of the poet in contemporary society. It challenges, for instance, long before...
Intertextuality and Influence Frances Power Cobbe
This is a social progressivist argument, trading in chauvinistic notions of British cultural and racial superiority, and strongly dependent on the notion of inherited proclivities as well as faith in social systems as shapers of...
Intertextuality and Influence George Eliot
As she moved on intellectually from her religious youth, she became steeped in the Higher Criticism of the Bible, and increasingly interested in alternative explanatory systems, particularly those of social science—including Herbert Spencer ...
Intertextuality and Influence Edith J. Simcox
Much of EJS 's writing was influenced by John Stuart Mill , Jeremy Bentham , and Auguste Comte . She wrote for a range of publications including the Contemporary Review, the North British Review...
Literary responses Harriet Martineau
Comte himself was so impressed by her work that he had it translated into French and substituted for his own original in the Positivist Library, his personal selection of the 270 great books worthy...
Literary responses George Eliot
This was followed by Wit and Wisdom of George Eliot, 1873, and The George Eliot Birthday Book, 1878.
Price, Leah. The Anthology and the Rise of the Novel. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Not all recognitions brought pleasure. A reference work called Men of the Time...
Occupation Herbert Spencer
Through his publications, such as Social Statics, Principles of Psychology, First Principles, and The Principles of Ethics, he founded evolutionary philosophy, an ethical system that expounded individualism. Its application of the...
Publishing George Henry Lewes
GHL serially published Comte 's Philosophy of the Sciences in The Leader.
Ashton, Rosemary. G. H. Lewes: A Life. Clarendon Press, 1991.
Publishing Harriet Martineau
When Edward Lombe , a wealthy follower of Comte, learned of the project, he sent HM £500. From this she paid for the printing expenses and took £200 for her own payment. She also arranged...
Publishing Annie Besant
AB published anonymously in 1875, with Thomas Scott , her first pamphlet on the topic of atheism. On the Nature and Existence of God owed much to the influence of her new friend Charles Bradlaugh
Textual Features Harriet Martineau
Critic Linda H. Peterson places the Autobiography as a response to the domestic memoir generally and to the domestication of the religious and intellectual in the memoirs of various women including Charlotte Tonna . Instead...
Textual Features Mathilde Blind
The opening narrative poem, which draws inspiration from her visit to Scotland in 1873, is 65 pages long. In legend St Oran was an associate of St Columba, one of the group of monks who...


1830-42: Auguste Comte published Cours de philosophie...

Writing climate item


Auguste Comte published Cours de philosophie positive in six volumes.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.

1851-54: Auguste Comte published Système de politique...

Writing climate item


Auguste Comte published Système de politique positive in four volumes; it was translated as The System of Positive Polity from 1875-7.
Drabble, Margaret, editor. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1985.

1967: Barbara Wootton (created the first woman...

National or international item


Barbara Wootton (created the first woman life peer in 1958) became deputy speaker of the House of Lords , first woman to sit on the woolsack
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
in an institution which she saw as democratically indefensible...


Comte, Auguste. Cours de philosophie positive. Bachelier, 1842, 6 vols.
Comte, Auguste. Système de politique positive. L. Mathias, 1854, 4 vols.
Comte, Auguste. The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte. Translator Martineau, Harriet, John Chapman, 1853, 2 vols.
Comte, Auguste. The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte. Translator Martineau, Harriet, Peter Eckler, 1893.