Linda H. Peterson

Standard Name: Peterson, Linda H.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Harriet Martineau
Critic Linda H. Peterson places the Autobiography as a response to the domestic memoir generally and to the domestication of the religious and intellectual in the memoirs of various women including Charlotte Tonna . Instead...
Literary responses Mary Cholmondeley
Most literary reviews were positive, some comparing MC to Charlotte Brontë or George Eliot ; The Spectator called the novel brilliant and exhilarating.
Colby, Vineta. “’Devoted Amateur’: Mary Cholmondeley and Red Pottage”. Essays in Criticism, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 213-28.
An Edinburgh Review article written in 1900 praised Red Pottage in...
Publishing Harriet Martineau
Chapman used her own memorials (based, she claimed, on full access to HM 's private and public papers, personal letters, and her own and others' first-hand knowledge) to flesh out the account in the manuscript...
Reception L. E. L.
Although LEL died on the cusp of the Victorian period, she was widely read in its early years, and was invoked explicitly by many other writers who followed her, including women poets Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Textual Features Mary Cholmondeley
Thematically, Red Pottage examines female friendship, the function of literature, the role of women, and hypocrisy both religious and social. Critic Linda H. Peterson , writing about women's choices and the novel, claims that Red...


No timeline events available.


Casteras, Susan P., and Linda H. Peterson. A Struggle for Fame: Victorian Women Artists and Authors. Yale Center for British Art, 1994.
Peterson, Linda H. “Rewriting ’A History of the Lyre’: Letitia Landon, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the (Re)Construction of the Nineteenth-Century Woman Poet”. Women’s Poetry, Late Romantic to Late Victorian: Gender and Genre, 1830-1900, edited by Isobel Armstrong and Virginia Blain, St Martin’s Press, 1999, pp. 115-34.
Peterson, Linda H. “The Role of Periodicals in the (Re)making of Mary Cholmondeley as New Woman Writer”. Media History, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 33-40.
Peterson, Linda H. Traditions of Victorian Women’s Autobiography: The Poetics and Politics of Life Writing. University Press of Virginia, 1999.