Alexis de Tocqueville

Standard Name: Tocqueville, Alexis de


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Frances E. W. Harper
Her education continued throughout her life. Her first employer owned a bookstore and maintained a private library in which he permitted her to read. She indulged herself in the works of John Ruskin , John Stuart Mill
Friends, Associates Sarah Austin
Leading intellectuals and artists who visited SA 's salon included historian Auguste Mignet , philosopher and politician Barthélemy Saint-Hilaire , political writer Alexis de Tocqueville , historian Augustin Thierry , economists Léon Faucher , Frédéric Bastiat
Friends, Associates Charlotte Dempster
CD also associated with various men of letters during her time in Paris, including Gustave de Beaumont , who at that time was editing the letters of Alexis de Tocqueville .
Dempster, Charlotte. The Manners of My Time. Editor Knox, Alice, Grant Richards.
Her circle...
Textual Features Harriet Martineau
When Henry Milman begged HM (who was about to publish on the topic of America) not to attack his friend Frances Trollope , she replied: you don't suppose I am going to occupy any...


1805: Alexis de Tocqueville, French historian and...

Writing climate item


Alexis de Tocqueville , French historian and sociologist, was born.

1835: Alexis de Tocqueville published the first...

Writing climate item


Alexis de Tocqueville published the first part of La démocratie en Amérique.

1856: Alexis de Tocqueville published L'Ancien...

Writing climate item


Alexis de Tocqueville published L'Ancien Régime et la Révolution, a study of pre-evolutionary France.

16 April 1859: French historian and sociologist Alexis de...

Writing climate item

16 April 1859

French historian and sociologist Alexis de Tocqueville died of tuberculosis.


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