William Rathbone Greg

Standard Name: Greg, William Rathbone
Used Form: W. R. Greg


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Emilie Barrington
EB 's sister Eliza married the future writer and political theorist Walter Bagehot on 21 April 1858, and when her husband died early, on 24 March 1877, she inherited considerable wealth.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. http://www.oxforddnb.com/.
under Bagehot
Of her...
Friends, Associates Eliza Lynn Linton
While in Paris, she met Madame von Mohl (wife of Orientalist Julius von Mohl , Chair of Persian at the Collège de France ); William Rathbone Greg ; Fanny Kemble ; Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning
Friends, Associates Eliza Fletcher
Joanna Baillie (a well qualified judge) thought few people have so many friends as EF , and that they all warmly esteemed as well as loving her.
Baillie, Joanna. The Collected Letters of Joanna Baillie. Editor Slagle, Judith Bailey, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
2: 699
At first meeting, Fletcher did not...
Instructor Emilie Barrington
William Rathbone Greg , a friend of EB 's father (and according to Martha Westwater the inspiration for Charlotte Brontë 's Rochester), tutored all six Wilson sisters, paying attention in his teaching to the subject...
Intertextuality and Influence Mary Taylor
In her pursuit of female independence, Taylor refutes Milton 's assertion in Paradise Lost (He for God only, and she for God in him),
Taylor, Mary. The First Duty of Women. Emily Faithfull.
with the counter-assertion: It is not for God...
Intertextuality and Influence Frances Power Cobbe
The first piece was signed with her three initials, the second with her full name. Picking up on W. R. Greg 's Why are Women Redundant?, the second piece contended that only providing fair...
Reception Elizabeth Gaskell
In December 1848, the eighty-year-old Maria Edgeworth , who was having Mary Barton read to her, speculated that it might be by Harriet Martineau , but by January she knew of Gaskell's authorship. By that...
Textual Features Elizabeth Rigby
The essay begins with a quotation from Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and goes on to review several publications on the subject, including the Journal of the Women's Education Union (co-edited by Emily Shirreff ). ER


July 1850: The Westminster Review published W. R. Greg's...

Building item

July 1850

The Westminster Review published W. R. Greg 's Prostitution; the article argued for state control of prostitution, as practised on the Continent.

January 1859: W. R. Greg's essay "False Morality of Lady...

Writing climate item

January 1859

W. R. Greg 's essay"False Morality of Lady Novelists" was published in the National Review in London.

April 1862: W. R. Greg's foray into the Woman Question,...

Building item

April 1862

W. R. Greg 's foray into the Woman Question, called Why are Women Redundant?, appeared in the National Review.

24 April 1869: Leslie Stephen (later Virginia Woolf's father)...

Writing climate item

24 April 1869

Leslie Stephen (later Virginia Woolf 's father) published in the Saturday Review an unsigned response to W. R. Greg , entitled The Redundancy of Women.


Greg, William Rathbone. “False Morality of Lady Novelists”. National Review, Vol.
, pp. 144-67.
Greg, William Rathbone. “Mary Barton”. Edinburgh Review, Vol.
, pp. 402-35.
Greg, William Rathbone. “Prostitution”. Westminster Review, Vol.
, pp. 448-06.
Greg, William Rathbone. “Why Are Women Redundant?”. National Review, Vol.
, pp. 434-60.