Isaac Rosenberg

Standard Name: Rosenberg, Isaac


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Anne Ridler
She lived in a King's College hostel in Queensborough Terrace near Hyde Park,London. The course included lectures on history and literature. The distinguished scholar Jack Isaacs lectured on Shakespeare , Donne , and Milton
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Butts
Her accounts of her marriage were disingenuous in several respects. She described it as one of those War-marriages between very young people,
Blondel, Nathalie. Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life. McPherson & Company.
which was hardly accurate when she was at the time twenty-seven. Rodker...
Literary responses Lady Margaret Sackville
Whitney Womack has recently written that LMS 's war poetry should be read alongside the war poetry of Rupert Brooke , Edward Thomas , Wilfred Owen , Siegfried Sassoon , and Isaac Rosenberg , as...
Reception Karen Gershon
Peter Lawson has considered KB's work in Anglo-Jewish Poetry from Isaac Rosenberg to Elaine Feinstein, 2006.
Textual Features Carol Ann Duffy
Among the many poets gathered here, inescapable choices like Wilfred Owen , Siegfried Sassoon , Isaac Rosenberg , and Robert Graves rub shoulders with the unexpected, like Cynthia Asquith , Sarojini Naidu , and Gertrude Stein .


1 April 1918: Isaac Rosenberg, a young poet whose lifetime...

Writing climate item

1 April 1918

Isaac Rosenberg , a young poet whose lifetime publication consisted of magazine poems and three small pamphlets printed at Whitechapel, was killed in an army patrol dealing with barbed wire.


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