George Thomason

Standard Name: Thomason, George


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Publishing Anne Bradstreet
AB 's brother-in-law the Rev. John Woodbridge , having travelled to London in 1647, entered her poems with the Stationers' Register . They appeared in print as The Tenth Muse on (according to George Thomason ) 5 July.
English Short Title Catalogue.
Bradstreet, Anne. “The Introduction”. The Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet, edited by Joseph R., Jr McElrath and Allan P. Robb, Twayne, 1981, p. xi - xlii.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Textual Production Margaret Fell
This is the date given by George Thomason , in his contemporary collection of tracts, to MF 's anonymous For Manasseth ben Israel : The Call of the Jewes out of Babylon.
Thomason uses...
Textual Production Margaret Fell
MF set her initials to A Loving Salutation to the Seed of Abraham among the Jewes, also probably printed in 1656 as its title-page says, and re-issued by a different publisher in 1660.
OCLC WorldCat. 1992–1998, Accessed 1999.
Textual Production Elizabeth Warren
Its fuller title is The Old and Good Way Vindicated: In a Treatise, Wherein Divers Errours, (Both in Judgement and Practice, Incident to These Declining Times) are Unmasked, for the Caution of Humble Christians...
Textual Production Elizabeth Warren
The fuller title is Spiritual Thrift; or, Meditations Wherein Humble Christians (as in a Mirrour) May View the Verity of Their Saving Graces, and May See How to Make a Spirituall Improvement of All Opportunities...
Textual Production Elizabeth Warren
The fuller title is A Warning-Peece from Heaven, Against the Sins of the Times, Inciting Us to Fly from the Vengeance to Come; or, Mournfull Meditations of Revealed Wrath, Appearing in the Progresse of our...
Textual Production Anna Trapnel
AT 's pamphlet Strange and Wonderful Newes from White-Hall was assigned to this date by the collector of ephemeral writing George Thomason .
Trapnel, Anna. “Introduction”. The Cry of a Stone, edited by Hilary Hinds, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000, p. xiii - xlvii.
Textual Production Anna Trapnel
Thomason assigned to this date AT 's A Legacy for Saints, another look at the stirring events of this year.
Trapnel, Anna. “Introduction”. The Cry of a Stone, edited by Hilary Hinds, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2000, p. xiii - xlvii.
Textual Production Hester Shaw
HS issued a second pamphlet, Mrs. Shaws Innocency Restored, according to collector George Thomason .
English Short Title Catalogue.
Textual Production Hester Shaw
The full date was supplied on his copy by collector George Thomason . The title-page date is 1649, and the date of the fire is given as 4 January 1649: according to Old Style, January...
Textual Production Susanna Parr
SP defended herself in Susanna's Apologie against the Elders, when Lewis Stucley , minister of her former Independent congregation in Exeter, excommunicated her as climax of a prolonged mutual enmity.
The day and...
Textual Production Anna Hume
Evan Tyler , the King's Printer at Edinburgh, issued, with her name, AH 's The Triumphs of Love: Chastitie: Death: Translated out of Petrarch.
The date comes from George Thomason 's annotation. Since...
Textual Production Hester Biddle
HB issued her two first tracts on the same day: the almost identical Wo to thee City of Oxford and Wo to thee Towne of Cambridge.
The date comes from George Thomason , an...
Textual Production Katherine Chidley
The collector George Thomason , who wrote the date on his copy of this tract, also expanded C. to Chidley at the foot of the title-page.
English Short Title Catalogue.
This text is available online from Women Writers Online,


9 June 1645: James Strong, a local clergyman calling himself...

Writing climate item

9 June 1645

James Strong , a local clergyman calling himself a Batchelour, published, apparently at London, Joanereidos: or, Feminine Valour: Eminently Discovered in Westerne Women, celebrating the military skills of west-country women in the English Civil War.
English Short Title Catalogue.

2 January 1646: According to collector George Thomason, this...

Writing climate item

2 January 1646

According to collector George Thomason , this was the publication date of Poems of Mr. John Milton , both English and Latin. Compos'd at several times, which was dated 1645. It included the paired...

5 January 1649: An English widow named Johanna Cartwright,...

Women writers item

5 January 1649

An English widow named Johanna Cartwright , resident in Amsterdam with her son Ebenezer , presented to General Sir Thomas Fairfax a pamphlet whose lengthy title begins The Petition of the Jewes.
Cartwright, Johanna. The Petition of the Jewes. George Roberts, 1649.
title-page, 2, 3

13 February 1649: Following the king's execution, Milton published...

Writing climate item

13 February 1649

Following the king 's execution, Milton published The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, a pamphlet designed to enforce the general point that a tyrant may be lawfully got rid of.
English Short Title Catalogue.
The pamphlet collector George Thomason

2 January 1651: Charles Gerbier published a formal defence...

Writing climate item

2 January 1651

Charles Gerbier published a formal defence of women: Elogium Heroinum: Or, The Praise of Worthy Women.
British Library Catalogue.
English Short Title Catalogue.

By November 1651: Anna Weamys, aged about twenty, published...

Women writers item

By November 1651

Anna Weamys , aged about twenty, published as a young gentle-woman, Mrs. A.W., A Continuation of Sir Philip Sydney 's Arcadia.
English Short Title Catalogue.
“Early English Books Online”. ProQuest Databases.

25 June 1652: Eliza's Babes, or The Virgins-Offering, a...

Women writers item

25 June 1652

Eliza's Babes, or The Virgins-Offering, a book of poetry, was published now (according to George Thomason ): the work of an anonymous Lady, who onely desires to advance the glory of God, and not...

2 October 1653: According to George Thomason, William Harvey...

Building item

2 October 1653

According to George Thomason , William Harvey published this day the first English version of his pioneering work on the circulation of the blood.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
English Short Title Catalogue.

October 1658: The Whole Duty of Man appeared: a hugely...

Writing climate item

October 1658

The Whole Duty of Man appeared: a hugely influential guide to religious living, ascribed generally to Richard Allestree but sometimes to others, notably Dorothy, Lady Pakington .
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,

3 March 1660: Milton published The Readie and Easie Way...

Writing climate item

3 March 1660

Milton published The Readie and Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth, a pamphlet designed to sway public opinion against the restoration either of the monarchy or of rule by any single individual.
English Short Title Catalogue.


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