William Harvey

Standard Name: Harvey, William,, 1578 - 1657


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Theme or Topic Treated in Text Harriet Martineau
The letters describe altered mental states in which HM saw the world bathed in radiance that she says would have seemed like heavenly visions had she been a pious and very ignorant Catholic.
Martineau, Harriet. “Miss Martineau on Mesmerism”. Athenæum, No. 891-895, 23 Nov. 1844, pp. 1070 - 1174 passim.


1628: William Harvey published at Frankfurt Exercitatis...

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William Harvey published at FrankfurtExercitatis Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.

1651: Physician William Harvey wrote in De Generatione...

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Physician William Harvey wrote in De Generatione Animalium (published in London) that the female egg contained the substance and means to develop into an animal.
Trager, James. The Women’s Chronology: A Year-by-Year Record, from Prehistory to the Present. Henry Holt, 1994.

2 October 1653: According to George Thomason, William Harvey...

Building item

2 October 1653

According to George Thomason, William Harvey published this day the first English version of his pioneering work on the circulation of the blood.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
English Short Title Catalogue. http://estc.bl.uk/.


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