Johanna Cartwright

Standard Name: Cartwright, Johanna


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Intertextuality and Influence Michelene Wandor
It proclaims: this is the story of two people // this is the story of two peoples // and one God / your God or mine?
Wandor, Michelene. The Music of the Prophets. Arc Publications, 2006.
In tracing the story to before the Act...


5 January 1649: An English widow named Johanna Cartwright,...

Women writers item

5 January 1649

An English widow named Johanna Cartwright, resident in Amsterdam with her son Ebenezer, presented to General Sir Thomas Fairfax a pamphlet whose lengthy title begins The Petition of the Jewes.
Cartwright, Johanna. The Petition of the Jewes. George Roberts, 1649.
title-page, 2, 3


Cartwright, Johanna. The Petition of the Jewes. George Roberts, 1649.