Ludwig van Beethoven

Standard Name: Beethoven, Ludwig van


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Catherine Carswell
CC found solace and took immense pleasure in music throughout her life. She attended many concerts and heard pretty well every great instrumental and vocal soloist of my time in one place or another (from...
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth von Arnim
In Berlin, May von Arnim-Schlagenthin first encountered the works of Goethe and also of Bettina von Arnim . The latter was a literary and family forebear of her husband, a poet and an associate...
Family and Intimate relationships Ruth Padel
According to RP 's website, her Padel great-great-grandfather (called elsewhere her great-grandfather)
Ruth Padel.
Education Interview, the Independent
was a concert pianist in Leipzig who studied under a pupil of Beethoven and became a founder member of...
Intertextuality and Influence Bernice Rubens
Spring Sonata is said during its course to mimic the dialogic structure of Beethoven 's musical composition of the same name.
Rubens, Bernice. Spring Sonata. W. H. Allen.
BR 's story continues her exploration of grotesque or marginal characters: its protagonist...
Intertextuality and Influence Elizabeth Jolley
The narrative voice (a Scottish one, apparently as a kind of joke) is complex and shifting, with irony fed by unstable reference to the central couple (now Muriel and Henry, now Mother and Father, and...
Intertextuality and Influence Barbara Pym
In The Sweet Dove DiedBP deals with male homosexual relationships in connection with problems experienced by single women in their fifties. The name of the central character, Leonora Eyre, suggests Beethoven 's Leonora overtures...
Leisure and Society Josephine Butler
While in Oxford, JB , along with three of her husband's colleagues, formed a string quartet to study and perform the music of Haydn , Mozart , and Beethoven .
Petrie, Glen. A Singular Iniquity: The Campaigns of Josephine Butler. Macmillan.
Leisure and Society Mary Cowden Clarke
At Salzburg in 1879 MCC heard Hans Richter conducting the Vienna Orchestra (now the Vienna Philharmonic), and thought him the best conductor she had ever heard, superior even to Mendelssohn.
Clarke, Mary Cowden. My Long Life. Dodd, Mead.
In London in 1881...
Leisure and Society Frances Ridley Havergal
FRH could play much of Handel , Beethoven , and Mendelssohn from memory, and her powers as a solo singer were very much in request in the Philharmonic Society at Kidderminster.
Enock, Esther E. Frances Ridley Havergal. Pickering and Inglis.
She lived...
Occupation Anne Evans
Although her life was a quiet one, she did not want for occupation: she was a talented musician and composer, although she grew dissatisfied with her singing, and gave it up later in life. According...
Reception Teresa Deevy
An interview with Deevy, conducted during the dress rehearsal, likened her creative vanquishing of her disability to that of Beethoven .
The Teresa Deevy Archive.
The Irish Times reported that the play reflected an almost imperceptible change in...
Residence Blanche Warre Cornish
Blanche's widowed mother was back in England in July 1862 to make a home for her children, particularly her daughters. She settled her family in a well-appointed manor house in Dorset in the west of...
Textual Features Ali Smith
The subject of voice appears in a more darkly humorous aspect in The Child, wherein the woman narrator finds a baby mysteriously present in her shopping cart. The baby proceeds to spout all manner...
Textual Production Jeanette Winterson
Her contributors included Ali Smith on Beethoven 's Fidelio, Anne Enright on Dvorak 's Rusalka, Jackie Kay on Janacek 's The Makropulos Case, Joanna Trollope on Donizetti 's L'Elisir d'Amore, Kate Atkinson
Textual Production Nadine Gordimer
NG 's style in her next volume of stories, Beethoven Was One-sixteenth Black, impressed reviewers with her continuing brilliance in composition.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.
Siddhartha, Deb. “Patterns of Intimacy”. The New York Times.
Edelstein, Jean Hannah. “The same secret”. Guardian Weekly, pp. 35-6.


20 November 1805: Ludwig van Beethoven conducted the first...

Building item

20 November 1805

Ludwig van Beethoven conducted the first performance of his opera, Fidelio, in Vienna.

7 May 1824: Beethoven, despite his complete deafness,...

Building item

7 May 1824

Beethoven , despite his complete deafness, conducted the first performance of his Ninth Symphony in Vienna; it was his final grand-scale work.

1907: Romain Rolland published Vies des hommmes...

Writing climate item


Romain Rolland published Vies des hommmes illustres. Beethoven.

1908: Alice Diehl published two books this year:...

Women writers item


Alice Diehl published two books this year: her biographyThe Life of Beethoven, and The True Story of My Life, the second volume of her autobiography.

October 1939: Pianist Myra Hess began giving special wartime...

Building item

October 1939

Pianist Myra Hess began giving special wartime after-work concerts, starting at 5:30, at the National Gallery (from which the most precious pictures had already been removed as a precaution against destruction by bombs).


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