Maureen E. Mulvihill

Standard Name: Mulvihill, Maureen E.


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Mary Tighe
MT 's mother, Lady Theodosia (Tighe) Blachford , was an early Irish Methodist. Through her mother's grandfather, the Earl of Darnley, she descended from the first Earl of Clarendon .
Shattock, Joanne. The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers. Oxford University Press, 1993.
She had published a...
Fictionalization Augusta Gregory
Sam McCready 's one-woman play entitled Coole Lady was mounted in 2005, with Joan McCready playing AG , by Handcart Ensemble Productions in New York (photos online, with a review for the city's Yeats Society...
Health Virginia Woolf
Commentary and analysis on her death does not abate. Maureen E. Mulvihill argues in a recent essay that Woolf 's suicide had a larger logic as response to a combination of external factors, apart from...
Leisure and Society Aphra Behn
St Hilda's College , Oxford, holds a portrait by Mary Beale , the most successful woman artist of her day, which has been thought to represent Behn. Scholar Maureen E. Mulvihill discussed (with illustrations)...
Leisure and Society Hester Lynch Piozzi
The National Portrait Gallery lists twelve portraits of HLP , dated 1781 to 1811 (though some of these derive from each other and a couple are conversation-piece prints). Sir Joshua Reynolds painted her with her...
Literary responses Margaret Cavendish
Douglas Grant published a life in 1957: Margaret the First: A Biography of Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, 1623-1673. Late in the twentieth century, interest in her and her work escalated steeply. The first...
names Ephelia
  • BirthName: LadyMary Villiers
  • Nicknames: ButterflyPapillon
    These nicknames, arising from an incident at Court, were recorded by the French writer, courtier, and possibly spy, Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy .
    Mulvihill, Maureen E. “’Butterfly’ of the Restoration Court: A Preview of Lady Mary Villiers, the New ’Ephelia’ Candidate”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, Vol.
    , No. 4, 1 Sept.–30 Nov. 1996, pp. 25-39.

  • Married: LadyHerbert; Stuart
  • Pseudonyms: Ephelia
    Scholars differ about...
Occupation Ephelia
She was by all accounts an outstanding courtier, admired not only for her beauty but also for her style and wit (Freda Hast in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography quotes the word for...
Author summary Ephelia
The Restoration user of the name Ephelia was a remarkably assured, forceful, and accomplished poet (as well as a playwright), although she left, outside her single printed collection (1679), only four poems extant: politicalbroadsheets and...
Publishing Mary Leadbeater
The University of Pennsylvania paid $976 US for a copy of this collection (not in mint condition) at the Peyraud sale in 2009.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Literary Property Changing Hands: The Peyraud Auction (New York City, 6 May 2009)”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 2009, pp. 151-63.
An online edition of this collection by Maureen E. Mulvihill is available...
Publishing Ephelia
The book was handsomely produced, having a decorated dedication page, and a frontispiece featuring an oval portrait (or fictitious portrait) of Ephelia, with a heraldic badge above the picture and a pedestal bearing her engraved...
Publishing Jane Austen
JA wrote of this novel, I can no more forget it, than a mother can forget her sucking child.
qtd. in
Honan, Park. Jane Austen: Her Life. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.
She published it as a Lady: the only one issued this way, since later...
Publishing Mary Tighe
A copy of the privately printed edition, beautifully inscribed to John Richardson at London on 24 July 1805, is now British Library C. 95 b. 38. A copy once owned by Lytton Strachey (with his...
Publishing Mary Tighe
MT 's portrait by Romney was reproduced as frontispiece.
Weller, Earle Vonard, and Mary Tighe. “Introduction / Memoir of Mary Tighe”. Keats and Mary Tighe, Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1966, p. vii - xxi.
The profits went to a House of Refuge for Unprotected Female Servants in Dublin—the favourite charity of MT 's mother. The work reached a...
Reception Ephelia
Maureen E. Mulvihill calls Female Poems the first volume of English poetry in which a female voice takes a purely secular viewpoint.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Sly Stuart Duchess: The Many Masks of Mary Villiers (’Ephelia’)”. The Female Spectator (1995-), 1 June 2002– 2025, pp. 1-5.
Though the much earlier Isabella Whitney has a better claim to this...


No timeline events available.


Mulvihill, Maureen E. “’Butterfly’ of the Restoration Court: A Preview of Lady Mary Villiers, the New ’Ephelia’ Candidate”. ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews, Vol.
, No. 4, pp. 25-39.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “A Feminist Link in the Old Boys’ Network: The Cosseting of Katherine Philips”. Curtain Calls, edited by Mary Anne Schofield and Cecilia Macheski, Ohio University Press, 1991, pp. 71-104.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “An Irish Poetess Flirts with Eros: Laurels for Mary Tighe”. Irish Literary Supplement, pp. 19-20.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Bedazzled by Burney: Sales of Frances Burney Books, Manuscripts & Images from the Paula Peyraud Collection (Chappaqua, New York). Bloomsbury Auctions, New York (May 2009)”. Burney Letter, pp. 9-12.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Biddy Jenkinson (1949—)”. Irish Women Writers: An A-to-Z Guide, edited by Alexander G. Gonzalez, Greenwood Press, 2006, pp. 154-7.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Captured by Jane. A Woman’s Wit: Jane Austen’s Life & Legacy. A Multimedia Exhibition Review: text, image, sound”. Jane Austen’s Work. In Praise of Jane.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Dancing On Hot Bricks: Virginia Woolf in 1941”. Rapportage magazine, Vol.
, 2009, pp. 52-64.
Mulvihill, Maureen E., and Isobel Grundy. Email about Mary Leadbeater to Isobel Grundy.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. email about theatre to Isobel Grundy.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. Email to Isobel Grundy about Ephelia.
Mulvihill, Maureen E., and Isobel Grundy. Emails about Ephelia to Isobel Grundy.
Mulvihill, Maureen E., and Isobel Grundy. Emails about Katherine Philips to Isobel Grundy.
Mulvihill, Maureen E., and Isobel Grundy. Emails about Mary Leadbeater to Isobel Grundy.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. Emails to Isobel Grundy about bookplate in Mary Tighes Psyche.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. Emails to Isobel Grundy about the Portuguese Letters.
Ephelia,. Ephelia. Editor Mulvihill, Maureen E., Ashgate, 2003.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Ephelia, Epilogue, The Pair-Royal of Coxcombs, Performed at a Dancing-School (1679)”. Reading Early Modern Women: An Anthology of Texts in Manuscript and Print, 1550-1700, edited by Helen Ostovich et al., Routledge, 2004, pp. 446-8.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “letter in reply to Germaine Greer review”. Times Literary Supplement, p. 15.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Literary Property Changing Hands: The Peyraud Auction (New York City, 6 May 2009)”. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol.
, No. 1, 2009, pp. 151-63.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Mary Beale’s Portrait of Aphra Behn (c 1682)”. Reading Early Modern Women: An Anthology of Texts in Manuscript and Print, 1550-1700, edited by Helen Ostovich et al., Routledge, 2004, pp. 491-3.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Mary Leadbeater”. Dictionary of Irish Biography, edited by James McGuire and James Quinn.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Mary Shackleton Leadbeater”. Irish Women Poets of the Romantic Period. Alexander Street Press, edited by Stephen C. Behrendt and George Holmes.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Mary Tighe”. Irish Women Writers: An A-to-Z Guide, edited by Alexander G. Gonzalez, Greenwood Press, 2006, pp. 208-13.
Mulvihill, Maureen E. “Old Books / New Editions. Part I”. Rare Book Hub.
Ephelia,. Poems by Ephelia (c. 1679). Editor Mulvihill, Maureen E., Scholars’ Facsimiles and Reprints, 1992.