Robert Herrick

Standard Name: Herrick, Robert


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Heyrick
He was a descendant of the poet Robert Herrick and related to the abolitionist Zachary Macaulay . The couple first saw each other at a music meeting.
Beale, Catherine Hutton, editor. Catherine Hutton and Her Friends. Cornish Brothers, 1895.
He was a fond but possessive husband...
Textual Features Frances Cornford
In this collection Cambridge again functions as an important subject. Frances Cornford saw her Cambridge poems as emblematic of her poetry as a whole. They served as a gauge for her poetic development and also...
Textual Production Eleanor Farjeon
EF kept up her talent for pastiche. In 1915 she produced versions of It's a long way to Tipperary in the respectives styles of Whitman , Burns , Rossetti , Herrick , Swinburne , and Tom Moore .
qtd. in
Farjeon, Annabel. Morning has Broken: A Biography of Eleanor Farjeon. Julia MacRae, 1986.
Textual Production Fay Weldon
Fay Birkinshaw (later FW ) was a writer from an early age, following the example of several older relations. She would write secretly, while pretending to read, or sit on the stairs and do it...
Textual Production Beatrice Harraden
BH 's final novel, Search Will Find It Out, appeared from another new publisher, Mills and Boon . It is titled from a line by Robert Herrick , duly quoted on its title-page.
Harraden, Beatrice. Search Will Find It Out. Mills and Boon, 1928.
prelims, title-page
British Library Catalogue.
Textual Production H. D.
H. D. published her autobiographical Bid Me to Live: its title reproduces the opening words of Robert Herrick 's To Anthea Who May Command Him Any Thing.
Boughn, Michael. H.D.: A Bibliography 1905-1990. University Press of Virginia, 1993.
Textual Production Rose Macaulay
RM published They Were Defeated, a historical novel set in seventeenth century Devon (the parish of the poet-clergyman Robert Herrick ) and Cambridge.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Bensen, Alice. Rose Macaulay. Twayne, 1969.
Textual Production Rose Macaulay
Writing about a wide range of authors from Caedmon to Coventry Patmore , she devotes a significant portion of the book to the seventeenth century, which held a great interest for her. The chapter Anglicans


1648: Robert Herrick published his collection of...

Writing climate item


Robert Herrick published his collection of poems, Hesperides.
Solo: Search Oxford University Libraries Online. 18 July 2011,


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