Women’s Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present
Harriett Mozley
Standard Name: Mozley, Harriett
Birth Name: Harriett Elizabeth Newman
Pseudonym: H. E. N.
Married Name: Harriett Elizabeth Mozley
Pseudonym: The Author of the Fairy Bower
's writings, published over about a decade of the mid-nineteenth century, are deeply involved with the sectarian struggles within the Church of England
to which her brother, later Cardinal Newman
, largely contributed. She issued three collections of tales for children and one adult novel, besides much writing for children's periodicals which is still unidentified. She also left interesting letters.
Brought up, educated, and ordained in the Anglican Church
began, with others, to entertain fears for its future as a national church. Emancipation of Catholics
and Dissenters
led them to suppose that the...
Family and Intimate relationships
John Henry Newman
His sister Harriett
married his early associate Thomas Mozley, and became a writer.
Family and Intimate relationships
Anne Mozley
By Thomas's marriage in late September 1836,
Editor Dorothea Mozley
notes that the wedding date was moved forward from October, though several sources say September.
Mozley, Dorothea, editor. Newman Family Letters. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1962.
Anne became sister-in-law to Harriett Mozley
, née Newman...
Friends, Associates
Frances Power Cobbe
By this point in her life she was corresponding regularly with Frank Newman
(younger brother of Cardinal Newman
and of Harriett Mozley
, who was an agnostic for most of his life). James Martineau
Friends, Associates
Anne Mozley
Since Tom had gone up to Oxford
as an undergraduate in 1825, Anne had been hearing at second hand about his friends, men who in after-times were to influence their generation.
Wordsworth, John, Bishop of Salisbury, and Anne Mozley. “Memoir”. Essays from "Blackwood", edited by F. Mozley and F. Mozley, William Blackwood and Sons, 1892, p. xii - xx.
It was in...
Literary responses
Frances Burney
An early reader of the first edition of Burney's journals was Harriett Mozley
, who on 25 October 1842 called them the most fascinating Memoirs I ever read. My opinion of Miss Burney is much...
Literary responses
Harriet Martineau
Harriett Mozley
, reading Household Education on its first appearance, judged that it contained good remarks scattered about in an unconnected manner, but thought it a rather impertinent thing . . . for an unmarried...
Lucy Toulmin Smith
Manchester College (now Harris Manchester College
) had a long and distinguished history as a Dissenting institution (including spells at York and London) before it moved to Oxford in 1889 and into new buildings...
Textual Production
Margaret Kennedy
During the early 1960s MK
read her paper Harriett Mozley
: A Forerunner of Charlotte Yonge, at the Charlotte M. Yonge Society
, of which, along with many of her writing friends, she had...
1832: Joseph Henry Parker took over his uncle's...
Writing climate item
Joseph Henry Parker
took over his uncle's Oxford bookselling and publishing business; as J. H. Parker
it soon became the foremost publisher of the Oxford or Tractarian Movement.
Rose, Jonathan, and Patricia J. Anderson, editors. Dictionary of Literary Biography 106. Gale Research, 1991.
106: 230
Mozley, Harriett. Family Adventures. John and Charles Murphy, and Joseph Masters, 1852.
Mozley, Harriett. Louisa. James Burns, 1842.
Mozley, Harriett. The Fairy Bower. James Burns; Henery Mozley and Sons, 1841.
Mozley, Harriett. The Lost Brooch. James Burns, 1841, 2 vols.