Andrew Marvell

Standard Name: Marvell, Andrew


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Edna St Vincent Millay
Three years after her highschool graduation, doors suddenly opened for ESVM to go to college, although her preparation had not reached the standard generally demanded. Donors offered to support her at Vassar College (through Caroline B. Dow
Family and Intimate relationships Katherine Philips
KP 's maternal grandfather, Daniel Oxenbridge , was a physician with an entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Her uncle John Oxenbridge was a friend of Milton and Marvell .
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Daniel Oxenbridge
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
Intertextuality and Influence Michelene Wandor
It proclaims: this is the story of two people // this is the story of two peoples // and one God / your God or mine?
Wandor, Michelene. The Music of the Prophets. Arc Publications, 2006.
In tracing the story to before the Act...
Intertextuality and Influence Kate Clanchy
Many of KC 's poems present briefly magical moments in the course of quotidian reality: birds gathering in flocks to migrate, the rush of water from a burst main, are presented like treasure troves of...
Intertextuality and Influence Maureen Duffy
Here she reaches perhaps her richest and wittiest handling of allusion, in poems whose titles half-conceal their mentors, like A Marvell (which begins, Oh world enough we have but we lack time,
Duffy, Maureen. Collected Poems. Hamish Hamilton, 1985.
and ends,...
Intertextuality and Influence Anne Finch
Although AF is often thought of as a writer of pastoral, on account of the fame of A Noctural Reverie, this mode is fairly rare in her work. She is a very social poet....
politics John Dryden
This was work in keeping with his family's political position. Attending Westminster School only a stone's throw from a whole succession of exciting and disturbing national events must surely have awakened Dryden's historical and political...
Textual Features Mary Stewart
These are highly literary poems. In her preface MS invokes Keats . She writes on mythological topics, both Biblical (Eve, Cain, Mary) and classical (Icarus, Persephone). She titles poems with an eye to her predecessors...
Textual Features Eva Gore-Booth
Several of these poems concern people and places that figured significantly in her recent experiences. EGB dedicated The Travellers to E.G.R.; it recalls her first meeting with Esther Roper , who was to be...
Textual Features Elizabeth Carter
One of her best-known poems today is A Dialogue between the Body and the Mind. These entities (often body and soul) had long been popular in dialogue, especially post-Cartesian times: used both for straight...
Textual Production Doreen Wallace
DW 's In a Green Shade (title from Andrew Marvell ) appeared in print with illustrations by Muriel Juniper . It is a gardening book or rather a gardening diary.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
2548 (1 December 1950): 760
Textual Production Vita Sackville-West
VSW followed her Behn biography two years later with Andrew Marvell, to open Faber and Faber 's series The Poets on the Poets (in which the second volume was provided by Eliot writing on Dante ).
Glendinning, Victoria. Vita. Penguin, 1984.
Textual Production T. S. Eliot
The same year saw the appearance of his essay on Marvell .
Textual Production Antonia Fraser
AF published her second historical biography, which she called Cromwell : Our Chief of Men, from a poem in praise of Cromwell by Andrew Marvell .
This was reprinted as Cromwell, The Lord Protector in 1989.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Whitaker’s Books in Print. J. Whitaker and Sons, 1988–2003.
British Library Catalogue.


1681: Andrew Marvell's Miscellaneous Poems were...

Writing climate item


Andrew Marvell 's Miscellaneous Poems were posthumously published by his widow (whose legal right to this designation was doubted by scholars for a long time).
British Library Catalogue.

10 September 2003: Guardian Unlimited Books named as Site of...

Writing climate item

10 September 2003

Guardian Unlimited Books named as Site of the Week a website entitled Poetry Landmarks of Britain: a map of poetic assocations plotted on an interactive map of Britain, searchable by region or category.
“Poetry Society News: News Archive”. The Poetry Society, London.


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