François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon

Standard Name: Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe
Used Form: Francois de Salignac de la Mothe-Fenelon
Used Form: François de Fénélon


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence Teresia Constantia Phillips
The niece, it seems, has given her the opportunity to play the role of pious mentor. TCP teaches her to love and fear God, to remember that virtue must go beyond mere chastity but must...
Intertextuality and Influence Sophia Hume
Satires on women, she says, are enough, one would imagine, to make the hardest Forehead blush.
qtd. in
Hume, Sophia. An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South-Carolina. William Bradford, 1747.
But American women apparently do not blush, though they are colonial copy-cats in other ways: you mimick Great...
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Marcet
JM 's preface notes the novelty of her enterprise: in writing on political economy she will have to contend against the novelty of the pursuit with young persons of either sex. She includes no young...
Intertextuality and Influence Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Her choice of genres came from her reading in French, not English, fiction, though Louisa (one of two survivors from a cycle of tales set at the court of Louis XIV of France) also...
Intertextuality and Influence Hannah More
The tradition of such pedagogic books for young royals included Fénelon 's Télémaque
Jones, Mary Gwladys. Hannah More. Cambridge University Press, 1952.
and Bolingbroke 's Idea of a Patriot King. HM resembled them in her emphasis on character-building and the study of...
Intertextuality and Influence Jane Barker
Despite her own past conversion, JB says she has made her French author speak the English of the Church of England, in an unusual attempt to bring Catholic devotional practices to the attention of devout...
Literary responses Anne-Thérèse de Lambert
Both Fénelon and Voltaire praised ATL 's ability and achievements (in contexts where they did not need to flatter her).
Hayley, Eliza, and Anne-Thérèse de Lambert. “Introductory Letter to William Melmoth, Esq”. Essays on Friendship and Old-Age, Dodsley, 1780, pp. 5-34.
Textual Features Clara Reeve
This time she gives her story a contemporary setting. She aims to promote the social virtues, sensibility, and the virtues of the middle class (aristocrats in this tale are evil). The young male protagonist, Edward...
Textual Features Alethea Lewis
She heads her novel with a prefatory letter to the Rev. William Johnstone , who, she says, has asked why she chooses to write fiction and not moral essays. She answers that novels offer opportunities...
Textual Production Elizabeth Graeme Ferguson
Elizabeth Graeme also wrote an English translation in heroic couplets, Telemachus, from the well-known heroic-didactic work by François Fénelon . She treated her own work with the kind of serious care in presentation that...
Textual Production Anna Seward
AS drafted the first three books of an epic poem entitled Telemachus, adapted from François Fénelon 's Télémaque, 1699. (She also wrote a defence of Pope 's Homer translations against the strictures of Joseph Spence .)
Lucas, Edward Verrall. A Swan and Her Friends. Methuen, 1907.
Textual Production A. Mary F. Robinson
Two years later she followed this book with a collection of short pieces on the same topic, The French Ideal: Pascal , Fénelon and other Essays, published as by Madame Duclaux .
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Textual Production Mary Ann Kelty
She followed this in 1841 with another devotional text including biography: Facts and Feelings, illustrative of interior religion; accompanied by memorials of Madame Guyon , Fénelon , and other spiritual persons.
“Newton Library Catalogue”. University of Cambridge: Cambridge University Library and Dependent Libraries.
Textual Production Jane Barker
The Christian Pilgrimage was advertised as published: Lenten devotional meditations, presented as a translation by JB from some unspecified work by Fénelon .
King, Kathryn R. Jane Barker, Exile: A Political Career 1675-1725. Clarendon Press, 2000.
King, Kathryn R., and Jeslyn Medoff. “Jane Barker and Her Life (1652-1732): The Documentary Record”. Eighteenth-Century Life, Vol.
, No. 3, Nov. 1997, pp. 16-38.
25, 36n82
Wilson, Carol Shiner, and Jane Barker. “Introduction”. The Galesia Trilogy and Selected Manuscript Poems of Jane Barker, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. xv - xliv.
Textual Production Jane Barker
The title-page (followed by Carol Shiner Wilson 's editiion) says 1715. Such post-dating, says Kathryn King , is typical of Curll 's publishing practices.
Wilson, Carol Shiner, and Jane Barker. “Introduction”. The Galesia Trilogy and Selected Manuscript Poems of Jane Barker, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. xv - xliv.
xxiv, 177n1
King, Kathryn R. Jane Barker, Exile: A Political Career 1675-1725. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Exilius was at least partly written by 1687...


1687: Fénelon (a liberal in his views on the French...

Building item


Fénelon (a liberal in his views on the French monarchy and class system, but not on gender) published in Paris his treatise Sur l'éducation des filles, written in 1681.
Olsen, Kirstin. Chronology of Women’s History. Greenwood, 1994.
Bozman, Ernest Franklin, editor. Everyman’s Encyclopaedia. 4th Edition, J. M. Dent, 1958, 12 vols.
5: 244
The Origins of Modern Feminism, 1567-1876. Quaritch, 1998.
Catalogue No. 8
Bosley, Vivien. “A Pre-Wave Ripple: The Sound of Other Voices”. Not Drowning but Waving: Women, Feminism, and the Liberal Arts, 14 Oct. 2006.

By the end of April 1699: The first volume of François de Fénelon's...

Writing climate item

By the end of April 1699

The first volume of François de Fénelon 's Télémaque appeared at Paris, and was quickly suppressed.
Labrosse, Claude. “La fiction, le récit et le livre: l’illustration du Télémaque de Fénelon”. Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Vol.
, No. 1, 1998, pp. 1-32.

1707: George Hickes published, as Instructions...

Building item


George Hickes published, as Instructions for the Education of a Daughter, a translation of Fénelon 's Traité de l'éducation des filles, 1687.
Reynolds, Myra. The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760. Houghton Mifflin, 1920.


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