She later had some expertise in medicine, which it seems she may have learned from her brother or some of his Cambridge
friends. Biographer Kathryn King
concludes that JB
had a more than passing acquaintance...
Family and Intimate relationships
Eliza Haywood
may have married in Ireland, while she was there in 1715. She says in letters of the late 1720s that her marriage was unfortunate
qtd. in
Blouch, Christine. “Eliza Haywood and the Romance of Obscurity”. Studies in English Literature, Vol.
, 1 June 1991– 2025, pp. 535-52.
and brief: her husband died by 1728.
He was...
Literary responses
Jane Barker
Kathryn King
has commented on Barker's remarkable production of a poetry of heterosexual refusal originating in a matrix of cross-gender sociability.
King, Kathryn R. Jane Barker, Exile: A Political Career 1675-1725. Clarendon Press, 2000.
She discusses in particular detail the poems on medical themes. She considers A...
Eliza Haywood
Her biographer, Kathryn R. King
, gently but firmly demolishes Hayood's claim never to have written anything in a political way. King traces her relations at different times with dissident Whigs, disaffected Tories, crypto-Jacobites...
Jane Barker
If, as Kathryn King
believes, Barker sent the evidence of her miraculous cure in 1730 to the mother superior who was formerly Lady Lucy, she did so as part of a concerted campaign to get...
Jane Barker
The material in the volume was later revised as the third part of the Magdalen Manuscript. The publisher advertised the volume in December 1687, using JB
's name. This is the only instance of his...
Textual Features
Eliza Haywood
This magazine has a second supposed author: the parrot, who is male. This creature, born in Java, has seen the world, since its long life has been spent with fifty-five different families successively. Though not...
Textual Features
Jane Barker
Kathryn King
points out that JB
made countless verbal adjustments in the interest of economy, precision, and focus, besides adding some poems and revising others, between the edition of 1713 and that of 1719 (in...
Textual Production
Jane Barker
Most of her extant manuscripts are at the British Library
and at Magdalen College
, Oxford. Just a few which are more widely scattered (one among the family papers of Jacobite diarist Mary Caesar
Textual Production
Jane Barker
It is dedicated to the Countess of Exeter
, with a subsidiary address to the gentry of Lincolnshire. Barker's Entertaining Novels, six years later, includes a revised version in its second volume, and Barker...
Textual Production
Jane Barker
Scholar Kathryn King
argues that JB
's career as a marketplace novelist (which began just two weeks after Queen Anne
died) was undertaken with Jacobite purpose,
King, Kathryn R. Jane Barker, Exile: A Political Career 1675-1725. Clarendon Press, 2000.
and that her realistic, often domestic stories are...
Textual Production
Jane Barker
The title-page (followed by Carol Shiner Wilson
's editiion) says 1715. Such post-dating, says Kathryn King
, is typical of Curll
's publishing practices.
Wilson, Carol Shiner, and Jane Barker. “Introduction”. The Galesia Trilogy and Selected Manuscript Poems of Jane Barker, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. xv - xliv.
xxiv, 177n1
King, Kathryn R. Jane Barker, Exile: A Political Career 1675-1725. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Exilius was at least partly written by 1687...
Textual Production
Jane Barker
Complete or near-complete texts of her works became available on CD-ROM before digitization reaching the web in Women Writers Online and ECCO. Carol Shiner Wilson
's selection, 1997, provided a teaching text of her...
No timeline events available.
King, Kathryn R. “’I’ll Fly Away’: Birds, Boundaries, and Trans-National Awareness in Haywood’s The Parrot”. American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Conference, Boston, MA.
King, Kathryn R. A Political Biography of Eliza Haywood. Pickering and Chatto, 2012.
King, Kathryn R. “Eliza Haywood at the Sign of Fame in Covent Garden (1742-1744)”. Notes and Queries, Vol.
, No. 1, pp. 83-6.
King, Kathryn R. “Eliza Haywood, Savage Love, and Biographical Uncertainty”. Review of English Studies, Vol.
, pp. 722-39.
King, Kathryn R., and Jeslyn Medoff. “Jane Barker and Her Life (1652-1732): The Documentary Record”. Eighteenth-Century Life, Vol.
, No. 3, pp. 16-38.
King, Kathryn R. “Jane Barker, Poetical Recreations, and the Sociable Text”. English Literary History, Vol.
, No. 3, 1994, pp. 551-70.
King, Kathryn R. Jane Barker, Exile: A Political Career 1675-1725. Clarendon Press, 2000.
Barker, Jane. The Poems of Jane Barker: The Magdalen Manuscript. Editor King, Kathryn R., Magdalen College, 1998.
King, Kathryn R. “The Young Lady, the Old Maid, and the Lisbon Earthquake”. Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies annual conference.