Joseph Spence

Standard Name: Spence, Joseph


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Heyrick
Her mother, born Elizabeth Cartwright , was a remarkable woman. She became engaged to please her family, but her fiancé died. After this she visited London and stayed with the publisher Robert Dodsley . While...
Friends, Associates May Drummond
The scholar Joseph Spence , who met her in March 1746, enjoyed exchanging talk with her and respected her views. Having met the Princess Amelia when she met the queen on first coming to England,...
Friends, Associates Mary Jones
MJ corresponded with Charlotte Lennox and with publisher Ralph Griffiths and his wife Isabella . Her friendship was valued by literary men like Samuel Johnson , Joseph Spence , Thomas Warton , and apparently Bonnell Thornton
Publishing Susan Smythies
SS had trouble securing a publisher for this novel. Because of this, Samuel Richardsonadvised her to try her Friends by a private Subscription, which turned out a success beyond her Hopes.
Eaves, T. C. Duncan, and Ben D. Kimpel. Samuel Richardson: A Biography. Clarendon.
Subscribers included...
Reception Mary Barber
Mary Chandler responded with praise of MB 's Lines with Wit and Humour fraught, / Pure as her Morals, sprightly as her Thought.
Budd, Adam. “’Merit in Distress’: The Troubled Success of Mary Barber”. Review of English Studies, Vol.
, pp. 204-27.
Another English fellow-poet, Mary Jones (to whom Barber's Poems were lent...
Textual Production Anna Seward
AS drafted the first three books of an epic poem entitled Telemachus, adapted from François Fénelon 's Télémaque, 1699. (She also wrote a defence of Pope 's Homer translations against the strictures of Joseph Spence .)
Lucas, Edward Verrall. A Swan and Her Friends. Methuen.


No timeline events available.


Spence, Joseph. Letters from the Grand Tour. Editor Klima, Slava, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1975.
Spence, Joseph. Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Books and Men, Collected from Conversation. Editor Osborn, James M., Clarendon Press, 1966.