John Walter Cross

Standard Name: Cross, John Walter
Used Form: J. W. Cross


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Edith J. Simcox
Her feelings for the novelist developed to a passionate intensity: her love was idolatrous, to use her own word. For several years she regularly and formally celebrated the anniversary of her first encounter with...
Family and Intimate relationships George Eliot
A year and a half after the death of her partner George Henry Lewes , GE got married: to their young friend and banker John Walter Cross , in an Anglican ceremony at St George's...
Friends, Associates Edith J. Simcox
Elma Stuart , who had also been an intimate friend of George Eliot , became a close friend of EJS . In March 1881 they spent a week together at Malvern, where they exchanged...
Literary responses George Eliot
Cross , concerned to protect and dignify her, chose the more sententious passages and excluded the spontaneous, trivial, and humorous remarks
Eliot, George. “Preface”. The George Eliot Letters, edited by Gordon S. Haight, Yale University Press, p. 1: ix - lxxvii.
from her personal writings, and presented an icon of Victorian moral earnestness; many...
Literary responses George Eliot
The critical tide did not turn (despite some acute criticism from Virginia Woolf , who called Middlemarchthe magnificent book which with all its imperfections is one of the few English novels written for grown-up...
Material Conditions of Writing Edith J. Simcox
EJS began work on what was then titled Vignettes in March 1880, shortly before George Eliot 's marriage to John Walter Cross , and she found solace in writing them: I think of her without...
Reception George Eliot
J. W. Cross , GE 's widower, published George Eliot's Life as Related in her Letters and Journals.
British Library Catalogue.
Eliot, George. “Preface”. The George Eliot Letters, edited by Gordon S. Haight, Yale University Press, p. 1: ix - lxxvii.
Textual Features Jane Hume Clapperton
JHC also writes approvingly of free love, particularly George Eliot 's decision to join in domestic partnership with George Henry Lewes . Eliot's decision, she says, was clearly motivated by Lewes's legal inability to obtain...
Textual Production Mathilde Blind
MB published her George Eliot, the first life in the Eminent Women Series conceived by John H. Ingram , and the first biography of her subject (just ahead of that by John Walter Cross
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Sophie Veitch
George Eliot reviews the recently published collection by Eliot's widower, J. W. Cross (George Eliot's Life as Related in her Letters and Journals) and a biography by F. W. H. Myers , but...
Travel George Eliot
GE 's new husband, John Walter Cross , jumped from a balcony in Venice into the Grand Canal, in the grip of some mixture of depression or illness perhaps exacerbated by the heat: despite...


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