Alfred Dreyfus

Standard Name: Dreyfus, Alfred


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Cultural formation G. B. Stern
Both of GBS 's parents were Jewish: her ancestors, some of them upper-class, hailed from Austria (before that from the present-day Czech Republic) or from Germany; yet her life-writings display a confident and unproblematic sense...
Education Phyllis Bottome
Because PB was so interested in her French classes, her mother permitted Mellie to instruct her at their home. Despite their friendship, there was one matter on which Mellie and Phyllis could not agree—the Dreyfus
Intertextuality and Influence Phyllis Bottome
By borrowing the title of Émile Zola 's J'accuse, published on 13 January 1898 to uncover the conspiracy against Alfred Dreyfus , PB invoked both the long history of European anti-semitism, and the occasional...
Intertextuality and Influence John Galsworthy
The plot is reminiscent of the Dreyfus Affair, to which JG alludes in the play.
Dreyfus, a French army officer of Jewish family, was convicted of treason in late 1894 on the basis of a...
politics A. Mary F. Robinson
She was a strong Dreyfusard, or supporter of Alfred Dreyfus , the Jewish captain in the French army who was accused on a trumped-up charge of treason only four days before Robinson's first husband died.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
politics Josephine Butler
Even after her retirement from an active public life, JB continued to be interested in a number of international causes. She supported Home Rule in Ireland (two bills for which were defeated in 1886); she...
politics T. S. Eliot
Eliot's stated position was close to that taken by Charles Maurras and others in the French journal Action française, mouthpiece of the political movement of the same name.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
This movement had begun in reaction...
Publishing Hannah Arendt
This was her first American publication. The second, more significant one was From the Dreyfus Affair to France Today, which appeared in Jewish Social Studies in July the same year. This piece, which argues...
Textual Features Sybille Bedford
This volume makes its strong impression through the juxtaposition of the pleasures of food, wine, movement, and places with the horrors of human violence and cruelty and the well-meant but often in practice grotesque or...
Textual Production Bernice Rubens
BR published a novel entitled I, Dreyfus; it updates the tale of the actual Dreyfus , a Jewish officer in the French army, as that of an English, Jewish public-school headmaster.
The implied parallel...
Textual Production Hannah Lynch
HL 's Academy essay Insanity in Literature distinguished two kinds: the insanity of hate, represented by nationalist, anti-Semitic writers in the wake of the Dreyfus affair like Léon Daudet , Maurice Barrès , and Gyp
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Mavis Gallant
MG was working on a biography of Alfred Dreyfus when she developed the idea for Linnet Muir. The biography, which she abandoned and burned after decades of work, had been commissioned by Random House after...


15 October 1894: Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish officer...

National or international item

15 October 1894

Captain Alfred Dreyfus , a Jewish officer in the French Army, was arrested on a (false) charge of treason.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.
Grun, Bernard. The Timetables of History. 3rd revised, Simon and Schuster, 1991.
448, 450

After mid-January 1898: A set of picture postcards was issued in...

National or international item

After mid-January 1898

A set of picture postcards was issued in France publicizing the Dreyfus case.
Staff, Frank. The Picture Postcard and Its Origins. F. A. Praeger, 1966.

13 January 1898: Emile Zola published J'Accuse in the newspaper...

Writing climate item

13 January 1898

Emile Zola published J'Accuse in the newspaper L'Aurore: an open letter to President Faure of France , levelling accusations about the unjust trial and punishment of the Jewish Captain Alfred Dreyfus .
Borne Back Daily. 2001, .
13 December 2009


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