Louis-Philippe-Joseph duc d' Orléans

Standard Name: Orléans, Louis-Philippe-Joseph,,, duc d'
Used Form: Louis-Philippe-Joseph, duc d'Orleans
Used Form: Philippe Égalité
Used Form: Philippe Egalite


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Characters Sarah Pearson
First the son, Lord Bellton, gives the medallion to his mistress before leaving on the Grand Tour, but it is thrown away and makes another picaresque progress through the hands of a French military commander...
Family and Intimate relationships Grace Elliott
In her earliest years in Paris she was the mistress first of the comte d'Artois (who much later reigned as Charles X ) and then of the duc de Chartres (later duc d'Orléans , later...
Family and Intimate relationships Grace Elliott
GE 's relationship with the duc d'Orléans is known to her readers only from her account of him in the days when he had moved on to other women and was increasingly showing a sympathy...
Family and Intimate relationships Grace Elliott
Before her arrest GE had adopted an eight-year-old and a six-year-old girl whose mother, Madame de Perigord, was a fugitive from the guillotine; when she was arrested she had to find somewhere else to send...
Family and Intimate relationships Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
After her family lost its money, Stéphanie-Félicité gave lessons on the harp.
Dow, Gillian. “Books owned by Jane Austen’s niece, Caroline, donated to Chawton House Library”. The Female Spectator, Vol.
1 n.s.
, No. 4, 2015, pp. 1-3.
During the 1770s SFG became successively lady-in-waiting to the duchesse de Chartres, then (1777) governess to the daughters of the family, and...
Family and Intimate relationships Lady Cynthia Asquith
LCA 's mother, Mary , Lady Wemyss, was born a Wyndham, a descendent of the writer Félicité, Mme de Genlis , and of her royal lover Philippe Egalité , Duc d'Orléans (who was also father...
Friends, Associates Grace Elliott
She was on awkward terms with d'Orléans now, but tried to get him to use his influence to secure her a passport for England. He last visited her on 4 April 1793, the same evening...
Occupation Grace Elliott
Her biographers, indeed, wonder if she may have been a spy. She spoke to an agent of d'Orléans in Brussels; on a later visit she carried a letter there for Marie-Antoinette ; she may perhaps...
Occupation Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis
SFG was appointed gouverneur to the sons of the duc and duchesse de Chartres (three years before her employer, who was also her lover, became duc d'Orléans).
Broglie, Gabriel de. Madame de Genlis. Librairie Académique Perrin, 1985.
Trousson, Raymond. Romans de femmes du XVIIIe siècle. Robert Laffont, 1996.
politics Grace Elliott
On 10 August, the day of the second attack on the Tuileries, GE heard that nobody was allowed to leave Paris, but she escaped through a breach in the city walls to her house...
politics Grace Elliott
GE , after spending the day with the duc d'Orléans and other friends in a forest outside Paris, returned to find all in confusion and tumult:
Elliott, Grace. Journal of My Life during the French Revolution. Rodale Press, 1955.
one street full of armed troops...
Publishing Elizabeth Sarah Gooch
Gooch must have spent heavily on advertising. From 5 April until 5 May front-page advertisements for her book appeared in the London Star and other papers. They took up an unusual number of column-inches, since...
Textual Features Katharine Tynan
Lord Edward was a nephew of KT 's earlier fictional subject, Lady Sarah Lennox . A highly romantic, aristocratic revolutionary, he died of his wounds in prison on 4 June 1798, after the Rebellion of...
Textual Features Mrs F. C. Patrick
In the course of a busy plot Augusta is abducted, but saves herself from a forced marriage (her mother, the instigator of this outrage, affects to think her married in the sight of Heaven) by...
Textual Features Mary Charlton
These anecdotes are indeed genuine insofar as they feature a number of actual characters, notably Stéphanie-Félicité de Genlis , Philippe duc d'Orléans , and their daughter or reputed daughter Pamela . These characters reflect, in...


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