Prince Albert

Standard Name: Albert, Prince
Used Form: Prince Consort


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Birth Queen Victoria
QV 's future husband, Prince Albert , was delivered by the same midwife as Victoria, just over three months later.
Longford, Elizabeth. Queen Victoria: Born to Succeed. Harper and Row, 1964.
Dedications Anna Maria Hall
AMH , with her husband Samuel Carter Hall , published Ireland: its Scenery, Character, &c. in three illustrated volumes with a dedication to Prince Albert .
The Athenaeum Index of Reviews and Reviewers: 1830-1870.
Keane, Maureen. Mrs. S.C. Hall: A Literary Biography. Colin Smythe, 1997.
Hall, Samuel Carter, and Anna Maria Hall. Ireland: its Scenery, Character and History. Celtic Edition, Francis A. Niccolls, 1911, 6 vols.
Dedications Queen Victoria
The book was dedicated as follows: To the dear memory of him who made the life of the writer bright and happy, these simple records are lovingly and gratefully inscribed.
Victoria, Queen. Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands. Editor Helps, Arthur, Harper and Brothers, 1868.
Dedications Harriet Downing
HD dedicated to Prince Albert her Satan in Love, A Dramatic Poem.
British Library Catalogue.
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
The queen was grief-stricken at his death. Her devastation resembled that which she had experienced after the death of Prince Albert . In a letter to her secretary, Sir Henry Ponsonby , she compared the...
Family and Intimate relationships Anne Marsh
Anne's brother-in-law from 1822 was the distinguished Sir Henry Holland (physician to Princess Caroline, and later Prince Albert and Queen Victoria ), a descendent of the Wedgwood family and cousin of Elizabeth Gaskell ...
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg , Princess Alexandrina Victoria 's cousin, visited England for the first time.
Munich, Adrienne. Queen Victoria’s Secrets. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Longford, Elizabeth. Queen Victoria: Born to Succeed. Harper and Row, 1964.
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg made a second visit to England to see his cousin QV .
Longford, Elizabeth. Queen Victoria: Born to Succeed. Harper and Row, 1964.
Munich, Adrienne. Queen Victoria’s Secrets. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
QV proposed marriage to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg after spending a short time with him.
Longford, Elizabeth. Queen Victoria: Born to Succeed. Harper and Row, 1964.
Munich, Adrienne. Queen Victoria’s Secrets. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
QV and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg were married in the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace.
Stephen, Sir Leslie, and Sidney Lee, editors. The Dictionary of National Biography. Smith, Elder, 1908–2025, 22 vols. plus supplements.
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
Prince Albert was officially granted the title of Prince Consort.
Munich, Adrienne. Queen Victoria’s Secrets. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
Prince Albert , consort of QV , died of typhoid in the Blue Room at Windsor Castle.
Munich, Adrienne. Queen Victoria’s Secrets. Columbia University Press, 1996.
Family and Intimate relationships Queen Victoria
QV made her first public appearance after Prince Albert 's death.
Thompson, Dorothy, 1923 - 2011. Queen Victoria: Gender and Power. Virago Press, 1990.
Family and Intimate relationships Clementina Black
CB 's maternal grandfather, George Patten , was Portrait Painter in Ordinary to the Prince Consort .
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Rigby
ER 's husband, Sir Charles Eastlake , accepted the post of Director of the National Gallery, at the urging of the Prime Minister and Prince Albert .
Lochhead, Marion C. Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake. John Murray, 1961.
Rigby, Elizabeth. Journals and Correspondence of Lady Eastlake. Editor Smith, Charles Eastlake, AMS Press, 1975, 2 vols.
2: 32-3


14 November 1839: Prince Albert (future husband of Queen Victoria)...

Building item

14 November 1839

Prince Albert (future husband of Queen Victoria) and his brother Ernest made the first railway trip in England by royalty, from London to Slough.
Bruno, Leonard. On the Move: A Chronology of Advances in Transportation. Gale Research, 1993.
Kingston, Patrick. Royal Trains. Spring Books, 1985.

Early 1840: At the time of Queen Victoria's marriage...

Building item

Early 1840

At the time of Queen Victoria 's marriage to Prince Albert , the Devon industry of hand-crafted lace-making had so far declined that it was difficult to obtain enough for her wedding dress.
Adburgham, Alison. Shops and Shopping 1800-1914: Where, and in What Manner the Well-Dressed Englishwoman Bought Her Clothes. Allen and Unwin, 1964.

21 November 1840: Prince Albert's attendance at Queen Victoria's...

Building item

21 November 1840

Prince Albert 's attendance at Queen Victoria 's labour, in London, increased the popularity of fathers attending births.
Weintraub, Stanley. Victoria: An Intimate Biography. Dutton, 1987.
Jalland, Patricia, and John Hooper. Women from Birth to Death: The Female Life Cycle in Britain 1830-1914. Harvester, 1986.

1843: Prince Albert assumed the presidency of the...

Building item


Prince Albert assumed the presidency of the Society of Arts.
Boase, Thomas Sherrer Ross, editor. English Art, 1800-1870. Clarendon, 1959.
10: 254

12 June 1843: Queen Victoria and Prince Albert became part...

Building item

12 June 1843

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert became part of the theatre-going public when they visited the Drury Lane Theatre in state.
Mander, Raymond, and Joe Mitchenson. The Theatres of London. Rupert Hart-Davis, 1963.
Dobbs, Brian. Drury Lane: Three Centuries of the Theatre Royal, 1663-1971. Cassell, 1972.

1844: The anonymous publication of Robert Chambers's...

Writing climate item


The anonymous publication of Robert Chambers 's Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation influenced the evolutionary thinking of Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace .
Hellemans, Alexander, and Bryan Bunch. The Timetables of Science: A Chronology of the Most Important People and Events in the History of Science. Simon and Shuster, 1988.
Yeo, Richard. Defining Science: William Whewell, Natural Knowledge, and Public Debate in Early Victorian Britain. Cambridge University Press, 1993.
113-14, 232-3
Hill, Rosemary. “Snakes and Leeches”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 1, 4 Jan. 2018, pp. 23-5.

May 1844: The Society for Improving the Condition of...

Building item

May 1844

The Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes began to work towards housing reform; the society was a revitalized and revamped version of the Labourer's Friend Society of the previous decade.
Brion, Marion, and Anthea Tinker. Women in Housing: Access and Influence. Housing Centre Trust, 1980.
Rodgers, Betsy. Georgian Chronicle: Mrs Barbauld and her Family. Methuen, 1958.
Owen, David. English Philanthropy, 1660-1960. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1964.

October 1846: Queen Isabella of Spain married her cousin,...

National or international item

October 1846

Queen Isabella of Spain married her cousin, despite machinations by British and French diplomats to arrange a marriage that would be politically opportune for them.
Cowie, Leonard W., and Leonard Woolfson. Years of Nationalism: European History 1815-1890. Edward Arnold, 1985.

: Following a tour of inspection of working...

Building item

Spring 1848

Following a tour of inspection of working class housing, Prince Albert assumed a more active role in his presidency of the Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes .
Owen, David. English Philanthropy, 1660-1960. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1964.

1849: Prince Albert joined the Geological Society...

Building item


Prince Albert joined the Geological Society of London .
Dean, Dennis R. “Through Science to Despair: Geology and the Victorians”. Victorian Science and Victorian Values: Literary Perspectives, edited by James Paradis and Thomas Postlewait, New York Academy of Sciences, 1981, pp. 111-36.

1 May 1851: The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry...

National or international item

1 May 1851

The Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations, the first world's fair, was opened by Queen Victoria in the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park.
Beaver, Patrick. The Crystal Palace 1851-1936: A Portrait of Victorian Enterprise. Hugh Evelyn, 1970.
5, 11, 13
Mitchell, Sally, editor. Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia. Garland Press, 1988.

1854: Queen Victoria sat for the first photographic...

Building item


Queen Victoria sat for the first photographic portraits of the royal family, taken by Roger Fenton .
Hannavy, John. Masters of Victorian Photography. David and Charles, 1976.

May 1856: Ellen Terry made her theatrical debut at...

Building item

May 1856

Ellen Terry made her theatrical debut at the Princess's Theatre , watched by an audience which included Queen Victoria and Prince Albert .
Cheshire, David F. Portrait of Ellen Terry. Amber Lane Press, 1989.
Macqueen-Pope, Walter James. Ladies First: The Story of Woman’s Conquest of the British Stage. W. H. Allen, 1952.

1859: Charles Lyell's address as president of the...

Building item


Charles Lyell 's address as president of the geological section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) supported the new consensus that humans had lived among now-extinct mammals in a Europe that...

23 April 1863: Queen Victoria selected architect George...

National or international item

23 April 1863

Queen Victoria selected architect George Gilbert Scott 's ornate design for the Albert Memorial.
Bayley, Stephen. The Albert Memorial: The Monument in its Social and Architectural Context. Scolar Press, 1981.
40-2, 142, 143-4
Homans, Margaret. Royal Representations: Queen Victoria and British Culture, 1837-1876. University of Chicago Press, 1998, http://Susan Brown.


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