He was impressed with the specimens she had collected while in West Africa, and encouraged her to continue. Like Kingsley, both Charles Darwin
and Alfred Russel Wallace
admitted to being highly indebted to Günther and...
Textual Features
Mathilde Blind
's fast-moving and lively narrative is couched in an original stanza form consisting of four iambic couplets, of which the last ends in an alexandrine (a line with an extra foot). The life before...
Textual Production
Amabel Williams-Ellis
published Darwin
's Moon: A Biography of Alfred Russel Wallace. It was reprinted in 1986.
By 1802: The smallpox vaccination method established...
National or international item
By 1802
The smallpox vaccination method established by Edward Jenner
was coming into use around the world; in England about 100,000 people had been vaccinated, and the annual smallpox death rate (which had averaged about 3,000 per...
1844: The anonymous publication of Robert Chambers's...
Writing climate item
The anonymous publication of Robert Chambers
's Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation influenced the evolutionary thinking of Charles Darwin
and Alfred Wallace
1 July 1858: Papers on the theory of natural selection...
Building item
1 July 1858
Papers on the theory of natural selection by Alfred Russel Wallace
and Charles Darwin
were read at a meeting of the Linnean Society
1881: The Land Nationalisation Society was founded...
National or international item
The Land Nationalisation Society
was founded by Alfred Russel Wallace
and others to work for the abolition of private ownership of land.
Wallace, Alfred Russel. “Introduction”. Alfred Russel Wallace: An Anthology of His Shorter Writings, edited by Charles H. Smith, Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 1-8.