John Westland Marston

Standard Name: Marston, John Westland


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Geraldine Jewsbury
She and her brother entertained such visitors as George Henry Lewes , dramatist Westland Marston , Italian exile and journalist Antonio Gallenga , manufacturer William Edward Forster , mechanical engineer Joseph Whitworth , poet and...
Friends, Associates Dinah Mulock Craik
Their circle of friends included the critic and historian George Lillie Craik , Camilla Toulmin , John Westland Marston , Alexander Macmillan (the publisher), Charles Edward Mudie (founder of Mudie's Lending Library ), and the...
Literary responses Augusta Webster
Although able to point out a good deal of insight into character in this work, John Westland Marston , reviewing it for the Athenæum, signalled with regret the faults of a poem in which...
Literary responses Augusta Webster
The Athenæum's John Westland Marston took offence at the metre in some poems, but over all gave the collection praise: the writer has the vision which looks not only deeply into the heart, but...
Literary responses Christina Rossetti
The London Review was very positive, considering the writing the genuine utterance of a richly imaginative mind and of a very high order.
qtd. in
Marsh, Jan. Christina Rossetti: A Writer’s Life. Viking, 1995.
The Spectator talked about CR 's genius and artistic discrimination. Other...
Literary responses Christina Rossetti
Praise for this second public collection was more muted and criticism more probing than before. John Westland Marston , reviewing this volume too for the Athenæum, was still positive, but regretted that most of...
Literary responses Jean Ingelow
The reviewer for the Times noted that Miss Ingelow is still diffuse and has not yet learned to be brief.
qtd. in
Peters, Maureen. Jean Ingelow: Victorian Poetess. Boydell, 1972.
Athenæum reviewer John Westland Marston , however, found that this, her second major work,...
Literary responses Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The new edition was not as extensively reviewed as her two previous ones, and passed virtually unremarked in the United States. This was due to a piracy of Poems, 1844, which pre-empted the...
Literary responses Georgiana Chatterton
This was reviewed for the Athenæum early the next year by John Westland Marston , who judged the title poem the best, as well as the longest, in the volume.
Athenæum. J. Lection.
1944 (1864): 123
Literary responses Eliza Cook
John Westland Marston , reviewing anonymously for the Athenæum, contrasted EC unfavourably with Tennyson but said that while we cannot credit Miss Cook with much imagination or with any striking power to copy reality...
Publishing Harriet Downing
HD followed her first book by contributing poetry to many newspapers and magazines. Her work appeared in annuals and books of beauty, in Fraser's Magazine, The Monthly Magazine, and shorter-lived journals like John Abraham Heraud


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