John Abraham Heraud

Standard Name: Heraud, John Abraham


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Friends, Associates Harriet Downing
HD 's obituary credited her with a large circle of friends, literary and otherwise, for whom she was always ready to perform helpful services such as finding a publisher for an author or a gallery...
Literary responses Caroline Norton
John Abraham Heraud , reviewing for the Athenæum, looked somewhat askance on CN 's having taken on herself (like Hannah More before her in Hints Towards Forming the Character of a Young Princess...
Publishing Harriet Downing
HD followed her first book by contributing poetry to many newspapers and magazines. Her work appeared in annuals and books of beauty, in Fraser's Magazine, The Monthly Magazine, and shorter-lived journals like John Abraham Heraud
Textual Production Anna Jane Vardill
John Abraham Heraud published in Fraser's Magazine his Reminiscences of Coleridge; in a detailed discussion of Christobell, A Gothic Tale, he inclined to the view that it was the work of Coleridge , not AJV .
Haven, Richard. “Anna Vardill Niven’s ’Christobell’: An Addendum”. The Wordsworth Circle, Vol.
, No. 2, pp. 117-18.


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