War Office


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
politics Evelyn Sharp
As the Great War rolled on ES found herself more and more of a pacifist.
Sharp, Evelyn. Unfinished Adventure. John Lane, Bodley Head, 1933.
During her very few holidays from writing and from trying to keep the suffrage cause alive, she took jobs...
Textual Features Jane Williams
A group including Davis was eventually sent to the Barrack Hospital at Scutari. There, however, they were given no work to do beyond mending and sorting linen. Davis describes her impatience at the lack...
Textual Production Arnold Bennett
AB 's novel Lord Raingo created a commotion because the characters were based on real people in the Ministry of Information run by the War Office .
Staley, Thomas F., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 34. Gale Research, 1985.
Williams, Orlo. “New Novels: Lord Raingo”. Times Literary Supplement, No. 1289, 14 Oct. 1926, p. 694.
Textual Production Florence Nightingale
In April 1862 FN had also engaged in correspondence with the War Office and with Gladstone to express her disapproval of any attempts to regulate prostitution. Earlier, in 1860, while a government commission pondered providing...
Travel Rosita Forbes
During the summers RF and her husband would travel together through the European countries which Arthur McGrath 's War Office job made his particular concern.
Forbes, Rosita. Gypsy in the Sun. Cassell, 1944.
Seeing Europe between the wars was, wrote RF ,...
Wealth and Poverty Isabella Kelly
Her husband's death left IK with only seven shillings in the world, and arrears of (half)-pay which the War Office never paid.
Varma, Devendra P., and Isabella Kelly. “Introduction”. The Abbey of St. Asaph, Arno Press, 1977, p. v - xxxii.
She was later proud of bringing up her family by her own...


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