Sorbonne, University of Paris


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Education Sylvia Kantaris
Sylvia Mosley went to Lady Manners School in Bakewell and then took an Honours BA in French at Bristol University in 1957. During her undergraduate course she also took a Diplome d'Etudes de Civilisation Française...
Education Anna Kingsford
AK was admitted to the Sorbonne (the University of Paris) to study medicine, after she successfully passed an entrance exam in London.
Pert, Alan. Red Cactus: The Life of Anna Kingsford. Books and Writers.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Edward Maitland
Education Anna Kingsford
AK obtained her MD degree on completing her studies at the medical faculty of the Sorbonne in Paris.
Pert, Alan. Red Cactus: The Life of Anna Kingsford. Books and Writers.
viii, 2
Education Julia Kristeva
She also enrolled for doctoral work at the Sorbonne in Paris, where she studied at Université de Paris VII under Lévi-Strauss , Tzvetan Todorov , Roland Barthes , and Lucien Goldmann . She took her Ph.D. in 1973.
“Contemporary Authors”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Centre-LRC.
Blain, Virginia et al., editors. The Feminist Companion to Literature in English: Women Writers from the Middle Ages to the Present. Yale University Press; Batsford.
Education Jessie White Mario
She later studied at schools in Reading, and London. She favoured English poetry but her diligent studying was often overshadowed by her lack of discipline, personal disorderliness, and unruliness
Daniels, Elizabeth Adams. Jessie White Mario: Risorgimento Revolutionary. Ohio University Press.
in the classroom...
Education Julia O'Faolain
Meanwhile she studied abroad as well. She was awarded a summer scholarship for the University for Foreigners at Perugia, then studied at the University of Rome, 1952-3, and in Venice on an Italian...
Education Hélène Cixous
While working on her doctorate in 1963, HC travelled to the United States to research James Joyce 's manuscripts for her doctoral thesis, and, in California,, she prepared a second thesis on Robinson Jeffers...
Education John Millington Synge
In 1898 he enrolled for a course on Irish and Homeric civilizations at the Sorbonne in Paris.
Saddlemyer, Ann. “Introduction and Chronology”. The Collected Letters of John Millington Synge, Oxford University Press, p. ix - xxvi.
Education T. S. Eliot
After the private boys' school Smith Academy in St Louis (founded by his grandfather) TSE went on in fall 1906 to Harvard (where the President was his cousin). He took his BA in literature and...
Education Rose Tremain
Next RT 's mother sent her to another finishing school, this time in Paris and run by Roman Catholic nuns. By now she had the confidence to discharge herself and enroll instead on a course...
Education Luce Irigaray
LI took her first degree (an MA in philosophy and literature) at the University of Louvain in 1955. At this time, she wrote a thesis on the idea of purity in Paul Valéry 's work...
Employer Hélène Cixous
With a secondary school teaching diploma in English, HC began teaching in 1959, the year before she began working on her doctoral thesis, at the lycée (a selective secondary school which prepares for university entrance)...
Employer Hélène Cixous
HC became professor of English Literature at the new university. The university soon distinguished itself by attracting an extremely high-quality faculty, though the French government never particularly appreciated its existence. HC founded the Centre des Recherches en Etudes Féminines
Family and Intimate relationships Anna Kingsford
They met after the successful publication that year of Maitland's novel By and By: an Historical Romance of the Future.
Matthew, Henry Colin Gray et al., editors. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
under Edward Maitland
Although the full nature of their relationship is not known, it...
Family and Intimate relationships Simone de Beauvoir
SB met Jean-Paul Sartre while both were preparing to write agrégation exams at the Sorbonne in Paris.
Brosman, Catharine Savage. Simone de Beauvoir Revisited. Twayne.


February 1869: Denied access to a degree in England because...

Building item

February 1869

Denied access to a degree in England because of her sex but with an apothecary's licence and considerable medical experience behind her, Elizabeth Garrett began her medical degree at the Sorbonne , Paris, from...

June 1870: Elizabeth Garrett graduated with a medical...

Building item

June 1870

Elizabeth Garrett graduated with a medical degree from the Sorbonne, having been unable to obtain one in England.

By July 1955: Françoise Sagan, aged eighteen, repeated...

Writing climate item

By July 1955

Françoise Sagan , aged eighteen, repeated in England the previous year's sensational success in France of her novelBonjour Tristesse: the English version was by Irene Ash .

1974: African American activist Angela Davis published...

Writing climate item


African American activist Angela Davis published Angela Davis: An Autobiography.


No bibliographical results available.