New Theatre


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Intertextuality and Influence George Bernard Shaw
Saint Joan, a history play by GBS responding to Joan 's recent canonization, had its London opening at the New Theatre , starring Sybil Thorndike . The role was crucial for Thorndike, who was...
Intertextuality and Influence Josephine Tey
Through an innovative blend of historical scholarship and detective fiction, the novel exonerates Richard III for the murder of the little Princes in the Tower, pinning the crime on Henry VII . JT 's...
Performance of text Evelyn Glover
EG 's only full-length play, Time to Wake Up, opened at the New Theatre in London.
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Holledge, Julie. Innocent Flowers: Women in the Edwardian Theatre. Virago, 1981.
Performance of text Margaret Kennedy
MK 's first play, an adaptation of her bestselling novel The Constant Nymph, opened at the New Theatre in London.
Powell, Violet. The Constant Novelist. W. Heinemann, 1983.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Performance of text Josephine Tey
The Laughing Woman by Gordon Daviot, a play about artistic genius, opened at the New Theatre in London.
Roy, Sandra. Josephine Tey. Twayne, 1980.
Weintraub, Stanley, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 10. Gale Research, 1982.
10: 139
Performance of text Josephine Tey
Gordon Daviot 's Queen of Scots, directed by Sir John Gielgud and starring Gwen Ffrangcon-Davies and a young Laurence Olivier , opened at the New Theatre in London.
Gielgud, Sir John, and Josephine Tey. “Foreword”. Plays by Gordon Daviot, Peter Davies, 1953–1954, p. ix - xii.
Weintraub, Stanley, editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 10. Gale Research, 1982.
10: 139
Roy, Sandra. Josephine Tey. Twayne, 1980.
Performance of text Githa Sowerby
The Play Actors society produced GS 's play The Stepmother at London's New Theatre in a single Sunday performance (other theatres being then closed).
Nicoll, Allardyce. English Drama, 1900-1930. Cambridge University Press, 1973.
Riley, Patricia. Looking for Githa. New Writing North, 2009.
Reception Emmuska Baroness Orczy
When the stage version of The Scarlet Pimpernel did open in London, at the New Theatre , EBO and her husband were foolishly excited to see it advertised in huge letters on the side...


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