Central Office of Information


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Rose Macaulay
A year after taking this job she was transferred from the War Office to the Ministry of Information , where she worked as a wartime bureaucrat.
Babington Smith, Constance. Rose Macaulay. Collins, 1972.
Emery, Jane. Rose Macaulay: A Writer’s Life. John Murray, 1991.
She was then, because of her fluent...
Employer P. L. Travers
On the outbreak of the Second World War, PLT went to work for a time for the British Ministry of Information .
House, Adrian. “Ever Afterwards”. A Lively Oracle: A Centennial Celebration of P.L. Travers, Creator of Mary Poppins, edited by Ellen Dooling Draper and Jenny Koralek, Published for the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation by Larson Publications, 1999, pp. 25-28.
Employer Kate O'Brien
During the early years of the war, KOB worked for the Ministry of Information .
Employer Phyllis Bentley
PB moved to London to work as a researcher in the American Division of the Ministry of Information : she lodged at the Senate House of London University, which had been requisitioned during the war.
Bentley, Phyllis. "O Dreams, O Destinations". Gollancz, 1962.
Employer Phyllis Bottome
PB accepted a position writing for the Ministry of Information under the supervision of John Buchan (later Lord Tweedsmuir) .
There is some confusion between sources about dates of PB 's activities in the years...
Employer Dora Russell
DR worked first in the Reference Division, then the Soviet Relations Department, of the Ministry of Information (renamed the Central Office of Information after World War Two).
Russell, Dora. The Tamarisk Tree 3 : Challenge to the Cold War. Virago, 1985.
3: x, 4
Employer Elizabeth Bowen
She worked, from 1940, for the Ministry of Information , for which she reported on the situation in the neutral country of Ireland and on Irish attitudes to the war.
Glendinning, Victoria. Elizabeth Bowen. Alfred A. Knopf, 1978.
Employer Ann Bridge
Early in the second world war she worked at an indeterminate job with the Ministry of Information , commissioning articles on the British war effort and placing them in US periodicals: the placing had to...
Employer E. M. Delafield
The Ministry of Information sent EMD on a mission to France.
McCullen, Maurice. E. M. Delafield. Twayne, 1985.
Employer Elizabeth Jenkins
EJ 's war work was done in the Civil Service , first for the Assistance Board which helped in the settlement of Jewish refugees and then with compensation payments to those whose property had been...
Employer Ella Hepworth Dixon
EHD was employed by the Ministry of Information to write propaganda articles (largely unidentified) for neutral newspapers.
Dixon, Ella Hepworth. "As I Knew Them". Huchinson, 1930.
Fehlbaum, Valerie. Ella Hepworth Dixon: the Story of a Modern Woman. Ashgate, 2005.
Family and Intimate relationships Rose Macaulay
She met him while working at the Ministry of Information . They fell in love, although Gerald was married. He was a prolific novelist; RM 's favourite among his works was his last, The Holy...
Family and Intimate relationships Rumer Godden
RG 's husband, James Haynes-Dixon , retired from his job at the Central Office of Information .
Biographer Anne Chisholm dates his retirement 1960, but RG herself is quite definite.
Godden, Rumer. A House with Four Rooms. Macmillan, 1989.
Family and Intimate relationships Elizabeth Jenkins
In old age EJ said the love of her life had been a handsome, charismatic, married surgeon, Sir Eardley Holland . She had been introduced to him by one of his daughters, who was a...
Friends, Associates Phyllis Bentley
At the Ministry of InformationPB worked with politician and writer Mary Agnes Hamilton , who admired Bentley's superb warmth and strength of feeling, but felt them to be a drawback for this kind of...


Winter 1940-1: A film about London in the Blitz, entitled...

Writing climate item

Winter 1940-1

A film about London in the Blitz, entitled London Can Take It, played to audiences totalling around sixty million people in the USA.
Reynolds, David. “Zest”. London Review of Books, 25 Apr. 2002, pp. 34-5.


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