Communist Party of the Russian Federation


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
politics Anna Akhmatova
In February of 1917 the unrest in Petrograd reached its extremest point: crowds of workers gathered to protest against food shortages. During these turbulent times, AA was staying at Valeriya Sreznevskaya 's house at a...
politics Anna Akhmatova
The late 1920s and middle 30s were marked by massive repressions and imprisonments undertaken by the Communist regime now headed by Joseph Stalin . Battered by the arrests of Osip Mandelstam , a fellow writer...
Reception Anna Akhmatova
Between 1924 and 1925 AA 's poetry faced controversy: while some critics placed her in the forefront of women poets in Russia, others blamed her for being un-Soviet, a representative of the long-gone pre-revolutionary...
Textual Features Lesley Storm
This play effectively portrays the aftermath in Britain of the defection of Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean , who fled to the Soviet Union on 25 May 1951 after years of spying for Communist Russia...
Textual Features Gillian Slovo
When Irina returns as a bit-part heroine from facing death in the Arctic, Boris finds her a job as housekeeper to his friend Anton Antonovich, a university intellectual, who has taken in a destitute orphan...
Textual Production Anna Akhmatova
Another collection of AA 's poetry, Poems 1909-1960 (in Russian Stikhotvoreniia, 1909-1960), appeared in a form heavily censored by the Communist Party .
Haight, Amanda. Anna Akhmatova : A Poetic Pilgrimage. Oxford University Press, 1976.
175-6, 181


November 1903: The Russian Social Democratic Party split...

National or international item

November 1903

The Russian Social Democratic Party split at its meeting in London into the Boleshiviks (or Bolsheviks ) led by V. I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky , and the Mensheviks led by Plechanoff .
Kinder, Hermann, and Werner Hilgemann. The Anchor Atlas of World History. Translator Menze, Ernest A., Vol.
, Anchor, 1978.
II: 113
Steinberg, Sigfrid Henry. Historical Tables: 58 BC-AD 1985. 11th ed., Garland Publishing, 1986.

19 May 1917: The Russian Women's Battalion was formed...

National or international item

19 May 1917

The Russian Women's Battalion was formed by Maria Bochkareva to join the fighting.
Spartacus Educational. 28 Feb. 2003,

25 October 1917: The Russian royal family's Winter Palace...

National or international item

25 October 1917

The Russian royal family's Winter Palace at St Petersburg was stormed by an angry mob: a defining event in the October Revolution.
Forbes, Peter, editor. Scanning the Century. Viking, 1999.

3 March 1918: The Bolshevik government of Russia under...

National or international item

3 March 1918

The Bolshevik government of Russia under Lenin signed a peace agreement with Germany, bringing Russia's part in the Great War to an end.
Akhmatova, Anna. The Word That Causes Death’s Defeat: Poems of Memory. Editor Anderson, Nancy K., 1st edition, Yale University Press, 2004.

From January 1924: Following the death of Lenin, Josef Stalin,...

National or international item

From January 1924

Following the death of Lenin , Josef Stalin , who had already achieved great power in the Soviet Communist Party because of Lenin's illness, became its acknowledged leader after a bitter and secret power struggle.
Palmer, Alan, and Veronica Palmer. The Chronology of British History. Century, 1992.

1928: Joseph Stalin, secretary general of the Communist...

National or international item


Joseph Stalin , secretary general of the Communist Party 's Central Committee since 1922, began the collectivization of Russian agriculture: in effect a second revolution.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online.

25 February 1956: The Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist...

National or international item

25 February 1956

The Twentieth Congress of the SovietCommunist Party ended with a speech by Nikita Khrushchev , which mentioned for the first time some of Stalin 's political assassinations and general repression.
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeevich, and Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. “Foreword”. The cult of the individual, Guardian News and Media, 2007, pp. 5-6.

19 August 1991: A coup in the Soviet Union overthrew the...

National or international item

19 August 1991

A coup in the Soviet Union overthrew the Communist government; this led to the crumbling of the Soviet empire.
Crystal, David. “Edit It Again, Sam”. The Author, Vol.
, No. 2, 1 June 2000– 2024, pp. 82-3.
“The Soviet Era”. Geographia: Europe: Russia: History.
Johnson, Richard William. “Living on the Edge”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 9, 28 Apr. 2011, pp. 32-3.


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