Abbey Theatre


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Employer Maya Angelou
In Cairo the African-American journalist David Du Bois helped MA to get a job as assistant editor on a new English-language weekly called the Arab Observer (the only non-male, non-Arab, non-Muslim on its staff). In...
Family and Intimate relationships Augusta Gregory
In 1895 Robert was awarded a scholarship to attend Harrow and study the classics. After an undistinguished career there, he went on to Oxford , where he became an amateur boxer. Later he aspired to...
Friends, Associates John Millington Synge
JMS 's major supporters in his dramatic career were William Butler Yeats and Augusta, Lady Gregory , who ran the Irish National Theatre . Other famous literary supporters included G. K. Chesterton , John Masefield
Friends, Associates Augusta Gregory
Sean O'Casey submitted his first play to the Abbey in 1919, and became friendly with AG in 1924 during the successful Abbey run of his play Juno and the Paycock. He was invited to...
Leisure and Society Kate O'Brien
As a student in Dublin, KOB eagerly attended the Abbey Theatre . This was a period between Synge and O'Casey , but she delighted in plays by Shaw , beginning with Man and Superman.
O’Brien, Kate. My Ireland. B. T. Batsford, 1962.
Occupation Augusta Gregory
With the financial support of Annie Horniman , AG and the Irish Literary Theatre secured a permanent home: the Abbey Theatre in Dublin.
Murphy, James H. “Broken Glass and Batoned Crowds: Cathleen Ni Houlihan and the Tensions of Transition”. Ireland in Transition, 1867-1921, edited by D. George Boyce and Alan ODay, Routledge, 2004, pp. 113-27.
Occupation John Millington Synge
In 1904, A. E. Horniman , an Englishwoman who admired Yeats's dedication to Irish theatre, paid for the renovation of two buildings on Abbey Street and Marlborough Street, Dublin, and offered them free to...
Performance of text Teresa Deevy
The only new TD play seen in connection with the Abbey , Dublin, after the rejection of Wife to James Whelan was Light Falling (already heard on radio), staged by Ria Mooney and the...
Performance of text Teresa Deevy
It ran for seven performances, and was printed in the Irish Literary Journal. An Abbey revival on 23 August 1937 ran for six performances.
The Teresa Deevy Archive. 2014,
“Playwrights. Teresa Deevy”. The Playwrights Database, 2003.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
AG 's popular comedy about village gossip, Spreading the News, was performed alongside Yeats 's On Baile's Strand and their co-written Cathleen Ni Houlihan for the opening of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin.
McDiarmid, Lucy et al. “Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography”. Selected Writings, Penguin, 1995, pp. xi - xliv, 525.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
AG 's one-act comedy about madness and sanity, The Full Moon, was first performed at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
A production of AG 's The Deliverer and Yeats 's The Hour-Glass at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin was the first to use screens designed by Edward Gordon-Craig .
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Innes, Christopher. Edward Gordon Craig. Cambridge University Press, 1983.
143, 221
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
AG 's one-act tragedy The Gaol Gate was first performed at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.
Performance of text W. B. Yeats
Dublin's Abbey Theatre , new home of the Irish National Theatre Society , opened with WBY 's On Baile's Strand in a triple bill with Lady Gregory 's Spreading the News, and Cathleen ni Houlihan by them both.
“Dictionary of Literary Biography online”. Gale Databases: Literature Resource Center-LRC.
Performance of text Augusta Gregory
AG 's play The Rising of the Moon was produced at the Abbey Theatre , Dublin.
Saddlemyer, Ann, and Augusta Gregory. “Foreword and History of First Productions”. The Tragedies and Tragic Comedies of Lady Gregory, Colin Smythe, 1970, p. v - xiii.


1905: The Theatre of Ireland was formed as an offshoot...

Building item


The Theatre of Ireland was formed as an offshoot of the Irish National Dramatic Society at the Abbey Theatre , Dublin, because many nationalists believed the theatre group should have a political agenda.
Hartnoll, Phyllis, editor. The Oxford Companion to the Theatre. 4th ed., Oxford University Press, 1983.

12 April 1923: The career as a dramatist of Sean O'Casey,...

Writing climate item

12 April 1923

The career as a dramatist of Sean O'Casey , labourer and IRA member, took off when his play The Shadow of a Gunman was produced at the Abbey Theatre , Dublin, which had by...

3 March 1924: Sean O'Casey followed his first success at...

Writing climate item

3 March 1924

Sean O'Casey followed his first success at the Abbey Theatre , Dublin, with a play about war entitled Juno and the Paycock.
Tóibín, Colm. “After I am hanged my portrait will be interesting”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 7, 31 Mar. 2016, pp. 11-23.

August 1925: Sean O'Casey submitted to the Abbey Theatre,...

Writing climate item

August 1925

Sean O'Casey submitted to the Abbey Theatre , Dublin, the first and only play to deal with the topic of the Easter Rising of 1916: The Plough and the Stars.
Tóibín, Colm. “After I am hanged my portrait will be interesting”. London Review of Books, Vol.
, No. 7, 31 Mar. 2016, pp. 11-23.


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