Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Power Cobbe
She seems never to have wished to attain the prescribed female roles of wife and mother—having noticed that several women she knew were liable to Bad-Husband Headaches—and biographer Sally Mitchell finds no evidence of...
Literary responses Isabella Hamilton Robinson
Response to IHR 's diary, as it first became publicly accessible through her trial, has recently been viewed in relation to the emerging phenomena of scandal writing and sensation fiction. Michael Diamond has noted the...
Other Life Event Maria Theresa Longworth
MTL 's first effort at asserting the legality of her marriage was a petition for restitution of conjugal rights (addressed to the newly established Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes ). She launched it on...
politics Isabella Hamilton Robinson
When Henry Robinson discovered what he took to be evidence of his wife's adultery, he sought a divorce in the newly formed Divorce Court . This case was one of the first to be petitioned...
Author summary Isabella Hamilton Robinson
IHR 's diary acquired notoriety after it was found to contain details of her relationship with a younger, married doctor and after it was made public in the Divorce Court (at a moment when divorce...
Textual Features Charlotte Chanter
The degree to which the new Divorce Court and the reportage which flowed from it publicized domestic violence may have in some measure encouraged CC to produce one of the more explicit representations of this...
Theme or Topic Treated in Text Matilda Hays
Gender roles are explored in a range of ways throughout Adrienne Hope. Lord Charles's sophisticated sister has spent considerable time with men: her experience makes her wary of protestations of love. The woman writer...


28 August 1857: The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act, also...

National or international item

28 August 1857

The Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Act, also known as the Divorce Act, made divorce more readily available, but on unequal grounds for women and men.
Hammerton, A. James. Cruelty and Companionship: Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Married Life. Routledge, 1992.
Herstein, Sheila R. A Mid-Victorian Feminist: Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon. Yale University Press, 1985.
Weeks, Jeffrey. Sex, Politics and Society: The Regulation of Sexuality since 1800. Longman, 1981.
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Shanley, Mary Lyndon. Feminism, Marriage, and the Law in Victorian England. Princeton University Press, 1989.
The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Printed by J. Bentham, 1762–2025.
Donoghue, Emma. “Author’s Note”. The Sealed Letter, Picador, 2011, pp. 465-74.


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