Sally Mitchell

Standard Name: Mitchell, Sally


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Anthologization Vernon Lee
VL also published An Essay on Art and Life (1896), Limbo, and Other Essays (1897), and Hortus Vitae, Essays on the Gardening of Life (1903).
Mannocchi, Phyllis. “’Vernon Lee’: A Reintroduction and Primary Bibliography”. English Literature in Transition, Vol.
, No. 4, pp. 231-67.
Art and Life, an attempt to synthesize or...
Anthologization Vernon Lee
The title piece first appeared in the Contemporary Review in July 1898. It was reprinted in Andrea Broomfield 's and Sally Mitchell 's Prose by Victorian Women, 1996.
Broomfield, Andrea, and Sally Mitchell, editors. Prose by Victorian Women. Garland.
The remarkable feminist essay entitled...
Family and Intimate relationships Frances Power Cobbe
She seems never to have wished to attain the prescribed female roles of wife and mother—having noticed that several women she knew were liable to Bad-Husband Headaches—and biographer Sally Mitchell finds no evidence of...
Friends, Associates Camilla Crosland
In the years leading up to her marriage, Camilla Toulmin and Dinah Mulock Craik were good friends (Craik was one of her bridesmaids); however, Craik's biographer Sally Mitchell mentions Crosland only briefly. Newton Crosland posits...
Friends, Associates Dinah Mulock Craik
Dinah Mulock met several notable literary figures, such as the dramatists George and Maria Lovell , poet Eliza Leslie , and Mr and Mrs Samuel Carter Hall . At parties given by Anna Maria Hall...
Friends, Associates Clementina Black
During the 1880s CB studied privately at the library of the British Museum . At this time, Richard Garnett was the superintendent of the Reading Room. She became friends with him and his family, and...
Friends, Associates Anna Kingsford
According to Cobbe's biographer Sally Mitchell , Kingsford asked Cobbe, after her return to London from Paris, to sponsor her for membership in the Somerville Club , the first woman's club, then recently founded.
Mitchell, Sally. Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer. University of Virginia Press.
Health Ellen Wood
In 1831 the curvature settled and ceased to give her pain. It left her, however, permanently weakened, and eventually contributed to her death through pressure on her vital organs. Sally Mitchell notes that as an...
Intertextuality and Influence Dinah Mulock Craik
Sally Mitchell compares The Head of the Family to the large-cast family story
Mitchell, Sally. Dinah Mulock Craik. Twayne.
written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton , or by Fredrika Bremer as recently translated by Mary Howitt .
Literary responses Edith J. Simcox
As noted by Laurie Zierer in Broomfield and Mitchell 's anthology of Victorian women writers, EJS 's connection with George Eliot has saved her from permanent obscurity, [but] her stature as a Victorian writer and...
Literary responses Frances Power Cobbe
Of a much later work, The Friend of Man; and His Friends,—the Poets, 1889, produced on the heels of much anti-vivisection writing, scholar Sally Mitchell comments that FPCtried to accomplish for dogs what...
Literary responses Frances Power Cobbe
Biographer Sally Mitchell describes the essay on Lowe as a virulent and often sarcastic attack on the medical profession for meddling with legislation. She notes that it begins the obsessively picky argumentation that makes the...
Literary responses Dinah Mulock Craik
Sally Mitchell judges this novel to be largely conventional and undistinguished, remarkable only for the representations of drunkenness and wife abuse, and because, near the end, the model wife says that it is necessary under...
Literary responses Frances Power Cobbe
This provoked a reply from FPC 's former ally William Carpenter , who identified her as the author and criticised her pronouncements on science as uninformed, implying that her judgement was not being led by...
Literary responses Frances Power Cobbe
According to Sally Mitchell , FPC herself recognized that her writing had lost its wit and charm
Mitchell, Sally. Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer. University of Virginia Press.
as she became immersed in the antivivisectionist cause. Charges of inaccuracy in her antivivisection writing came to...


No timeline events available.


Mitchell, Sally. Dinah Mulock Craik. Twayne, 1983.
Zierer, Laurie. “Edith Jemima Simcox (1844-1901)”. Prose by Victorian Women, edited by Andrea Broomfield and Sally Mitchell, Garland, 1996, pp. 523-5.
Mitchell, Sally. Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer. University of Virginia Press, 2004.
Mitchell, Sally, and Sarah Grand. “Introduction”. The Beth Book, Thoemmes, 1994, p. v - xxiv.
Rigby, Elizabeth. “Modern Painters”. Prose By Victorian Women, edited by Andrea Broomfield and Sally Mitchell, Garland, 1996, pp. 82-136.
Rigby, Elizabeth. “Photography”. Prose by Victorian Women, edited by Andrea Broomfield and Sally Mitchell, Garland, 1996, pp. 138-65.
Broomfield, Andrea, and Sally Mitchell, editors. Prose by Victorian Women. Garland, 1996.
Cook, Bernard A. “Strikes”. Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia, edited by Sally Mitchell, Garland Press, 1988, pp. 764-6.
Mitchell, Sally. The Fallen Angel: Chastity, Class and Women’s Reading 1835-1880. Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1981.
Maunder, Andrew, and Sally Mitchell, editors. Varieties of Women’s Sensation Fiction, 1855-1880. Vol. 6 vols., Pickering and Chatto.
Mitchell, Sally, editor. Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia. Garland Press, 1988.
Garlick, Barbara. Victorian Britain: An Encyclopedia. Editor Mitchell, Sally, Garland Publishing, Inc., 1988, p. 837.
Simcox, Edith J. “Women’s Work and Women’s Wages”. Prose by Victorian Women, edited by Andrea Broomfield and Sally Mitchell, Garland, 1996, pp. 566-82.