Henry Oliver Robinson

Standard Name: Robinson, Henry Oliver


Connections Sort descending Author name Excerpt
Family and Intimate relationships Isabella Hamilton Robinson
Isabella Hamilton Dansey married Henry Oliver Robinson , an Irish Protestant who was six years older than she was. She had been introduced to him when she had been a widow for two years, refused...
Family and Intimate relationships Isabella Hamilton Robinson
Meanwhile in May 1865, six months after the divorce, at the age of fifty-eight, Henry Robinson married twenty-four-year-old Maria Arabella Long , the daughter of former registrar of the Irish Court of Chancery. They had...
Literary responses Isabella Hamilton Robinson
Henry Robinson was livid when he discovered his wife's journal, and set out to use it as evidence for dissolving the marriage on the grounds of her adultery with Edward Lane. The court case, presented...
Material Conditions of Writing Isabella Hamilton Robinson
The background to her diary was the fact that her marriage with Henry Robinson was not a happy union. She started writing during a period of loneliness and poor health in 1849, when Henry was...
politics Isabella Hamilton Robinson
Henry Robinson 's court case claiming divorce from his wife, IHR , on grounds of her adultery, based largely on her diary, opened in Westminster Hall , London. It was presented over five days.
Summerscale, Kate. Mrs. Robinson’s Disgrace. Bloomsbury USA.
politics Isabella Hamilton Robinson
The marriage between IHR and Henry Robinson was officially dissolved, the year after Henry's seven-year search for evidence finally turned up the record of a hotel room that Isabella had shared with a man. This...
politics Isabella Hamilton Robinson
When Henry Robinson discovered what he took to be evidence of his wife's adultery, he sought a divorce in the newly formed Divorce Court . This case was one of the first to be petitioned...
politics Isabella Hamilton Robinson
Henry Robinson suffered financially as a result of the expenses of the trial, and remained bitter towards Isabella; his attempt to overturn the verdict in 1859 was not successful.
Summerscale, Kate. Mrs. Robinson’s Disgrace. Bloomsbury USA.


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