Viking Press


Connections Author name Sort ascending Excerpt
Textual Production Rebecca West
RW published The Meaning of Treason with Viking Press in New York.
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn. A Preliminary List of the Writings of Rebecca West, 1912-1951. Yale University Library.
Textual Production Rebecca West
A Train of Powder, a collection of crime reports by RW , was published by the Viking Press in New York. London publication followed on 3 June.
West, Rebecca. A Train of Powder. Macmillan.
TLS Centenary Archive Centenary Archive [1902-2012].
2778 (27 May 1955): 280
Publishing Rebecca West
The first edition, by Viking Press in New York, was issued in two-volume boxed sets.
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn. A Preliminary List of the Writings of Rebecca West, 1912-1951. Yale University Library.
Geoff Dyer , in his introduction to the Canongate edition of 2006, notes West's probing of the painful...
Publishing Rebecca West
Over the next two decades RW published several revised and updated versions of this work. In 1956 Pan Books (London) published a new edition of The Meaning of Treason in which West eliminated some discussion...
Publishing Sylvia Townsend Warner
STW received £542 in royalties that September from her American publisher, the Viking Press , but only half that amount from Chatto and Windus in England.
Harman, Claire. Sylvia Townsend Warner: A Biography. Chatto and Windus.
Staley, Thomas F., editor. Dictionary of Literary Biography 34. Gale Research.
34: 277
Publishing Elizabeth Taylor
Knopf had serious reservations about this novel, and in January 1953 ET broke with them and went to Viking instead, on the advice of Peter Davies .
Beauman, Nicola. The Other Elizabeth Taylor. Persephone Books.
Textual Production Anne Stevenson
AS 's life of Sylvia Plath , Bitter Fame, was published by Viking in London and Houghton Mifflin in Boston; even before it appeared it was immensely controversial.
Stevenson, Anne. Between the Iceberg and the Ship. University of Michigan Press.
Publishing Christina Stead
This was a novel about her former boyfriend Keith Duncan . It began in the early 1930s as The Young Man Will Go Far then became The Travelling Scholar before acquiring its final title.
Rowley, Hazel. Christina Stead: A Biography. Secker and Warburg.
Publishing Muriel Spark
The special copies, produced jointly with Observer Books , featured an original etching by Michael Ayrton . The US edition was by Viking (as were those of MS 's next few books); she had broken...
Textual Production Ruth Rendell
It is dedicated To the men and women who work for London Transport Underground; and to those who make music in its tunnels, and uses as epigraph a passage from G. K. Chesterton on...
Publishing Tillie Olsen
In the early 1950s TO submitted stories, mostly about family life (in such unacceptable manifestations as a husband's death, a woman's desire, a retarded son), to the Ladies' Home Journal, which seems not...
Publishing Tillie Olsen
She returned to the novel in the 1960s (heartened by the publication of her short-story volume) with a different slate of potential publishers. She wriggled out of her commitment to Viking (to their indignation) and...
Publishing Iris Murdoch
She finished her second draft on 28 March 1953, convinced at this point that it was romantic, sentimental, and bad, and gave it to Elias Canetti to read. It was submitted to two successive publishers,...
Reception Iris Murdoch
British Book News approved what it saw as IM 's abandonment of the deliberately eccentric and inconsequential approach of the earlier novels [for] a straightforward tale of the conflict between love and conventional social obligations...
Publishing Penelope Mortimer
Viking published PM 's biography, Queen Elizabeth : A Life of the Queen Mother, after Macmillan , which had originally commissioned the book, refused it after all.
Blackwell’s Online Bookshop.
Gordon, Giles. “Obituary: Penelope Mortimer”. Guardian Weekly, p. 26.


No timeline events available.


Arendt, Hannah. Between Past and Future. Viking Press, 1961.
Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem. Viking Press, 1963.
Arendt, Hannah. On Revolution. Viking Press, 1963.
Gordimer, Nadine. A Guest of Honour. Viking Press, 1970.
West, Rebecca. “Bibliography”. Rebecca West: A Celebration, edited by Samuel Hynes, Viking Press, 1977, pp. 761-6.
Lawrence, D. H. The Letters of D. H. Lawrence. Viking Press, 1932.
Rosebury, Theodor. Microbes and Morals: The Strange Story of Venereal Disease. Viking Press, 1971.
Smith, Dodie et al. The Hundred and One Dalmatians. Viking Press, 1956.
West, Rebecca. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. Viking Press, 1945.
West, Rebecca. The New Meaning of Treason. Viking Press, 1964.